September 2024 Jordan Times


Cindy Gustafson

Hello, I'm Cindy from Superior WI, up in the great Northern WI area on the banks of beautiful Lake Superior! My hubby Bill and I have two grown children, 3 grands, and 2 great grands. I retired from the University of MN in June and concentrated more on my business goals, and quilting.

I joined in January 2021 after my company dropped all its reps. It was the second company in a row to do this to me! I said, I'm done with direct sales, having done direct sales since I began at age 19 with Home Interiors. 

A call from Kimber Stuart about a company they were researching for us to join made me reconsider. Never heard of JE! "Skincare? I don't ever wear makeup! Not for me!" A call from Nancy welcoming us with love changed my mind and knowing I'd have Kimber's leadership skills had me sign up.

I had no expectations of leadership. I earned my first trip, then second, and third. The seeds were planted for me and I took advantage of great leadership training with fantastic Jordies from everywhere. I set a goal to make director by Fall and offered the opportunity to every customer I met at vendor events (I'm a vendor girl)!

September 1, I woke up a Director and had to pinch myself! I love my team, my leadership, and this beautiful company. My advice is to share, share, share and it will come.



Dottie Bryant

Ever since I was first introduced to JE magnesium lotion last October, I was "all in". After 31 years working for a major airline, I took an "Early out" offer in 2020 and have been vigilant about using CLEAN products.  I absolutely love sharing these amazing products at vendor events and seeing first hand, the reaction when people get pain relief. 

Dottie Bryant

Associate Director

Leanne Bailey

Karen Nehr

Maria Walker

Melissa Zimmerman

Star 3 Team Leader

Carolyn Gildberg

Catherine Gill

Hannah Prather

Kendra Worthen

Laura Evenson

Leslie Porter

Michelle Ewing

Suzanne Clark

Star 1 Consultant

Elisabeth Moyer

Emily Barker

Jennifer Dewitz

Jennifer Fergerson

Kathie Shannon

Kristy Heffner

Melissa Baker

Nancy Pisieczko

Sherry Paul

Tammy Lane

Theresa Day

Trisa Shirley

Top in Sponsoring

Kim Stone
Diamond Director

I’m so excited to see where our August company numbers landed! It’s rewarding to set a goal, get laser focused, put your head down, and work to do the very best you can!

Did I reach my goal? Not quite. I was working toward one per day, to Make a Difference in 31 ladies’ lives so I could support them in Making a Difference in many more lives in their communities!

I was inspired at JV by Becky Launder when she was talking about Exponential Growth!

I made it to 27, and that’s a wonderful number of women to support.

God impressed on me a couple of weeks ago to Get My Hope Up in Him. Often it’s easy to become discouraged. To believe the lie of “Don’t get your hopes up!” 

I went to one of my regular, recurring shows.  I read a meme on Facebook that morning, and I dreamed BIG, believed BIG, hoped BIG - not in my own strength, but in the One who has all the strength! 

I could feel His power and abilities welling up inside of me.  And you know what happened that day? I broke a sales record for that show! 

Can I tell each of you reading this, to Get Your Hopes Up in God?! Only He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or even imagine! In His power and might. 

Thankful and Hopeful,


Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Kim Stone
    Diamond Director

  2. Rhashell Romans

  3. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  4. Leanne Bailey
    Associate Director

  5. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Cindy Gustafson

  7. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  8. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  9. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  10. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

Top in Sales

Judy Poland
3 Diamond Director

Wow! I’m trying to get our magnesium lotion on every bedside table in America! When I started 6 years ago— Dec 1, 2017, I joined because of the Peppermint Magnesium Lotion, I knew Nancy had a great product and I wanted to link arms and share it with everybody that would stand still to listen. 

I want everyone to know that we are the magnesium company!! 

My goal is not to be Top in anything- it’s to share these awesome products with people who need them! Please tell everybody, share with everybody, help as people as you can with their issues, because as you know.. IF THEY HAVE ISSUES… WE HAVE SOLUTIONS!!  

I want everyone to know that we 




Top 10 in Sales

  1. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  2. Kimber Stewart
    2 Diamond Director

  3. Dottie Bryant

  4. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  5. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  6. Pam Meddaugh
    Diamond Director

  7. Sharon Vaughan

  8. Lisa Mills

  9. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  10. Cindy Gustafson


Nancy Bogart

What a Birthday Month! The Best Gift of All: Hundreds of New Jordies!

What an incredible birthday month it's been at Jordan Essentials! The excitement is through the roof, and the best gift of all? Welcoming hundreds of new Jordies to our family!

Everyone is loving the My Discount25 code and running with the modern idea and benefits it brings. But the fun doesn't stop here! Keep the momentum going as we roll into SPA-Tember with even more reasons to keep sponsoring.

5 Reasons to Keep Sponsoring in SPA-Tember:

  1. More Benefits for Your Team: Build a stronger team and unlock higher rewards for everyone!

  2. Exclusive SPA-Tember Promotions: Your new Jordies will get access to exciting, limited-time offers.

  3. Build Momentum Before the Holidays: Start gearing up now for holiday success by growing your team early.

  4. Empower Others: Give the gift of wellness, flexibility, and an incredible business opportunity.

  5. It’s Fun! Watching your team grow and helping others succeed is the best feeling ever!

Let’s keep the energy alive and make this a SPA-Tember to remember! Essentially Yours,


Marian Smith

Upselling: Getting More Value for Your Customer

Enhancing the experience and savings for your customers is a good thing. One way to do this is through “upselling.” Upselling often gets a bad reputation as being pushy or sales-driven, but in reality, it’s a valuable service when done correctly. Far from being negative, upselling helps customers discover complementary products that enhance their original purchase, providing greater value and a more satisfying experience.

When you upsell thoughtfully, you’re not just increasing sales—you’re helping your customers make more informed choices.

Here's one way you can make the most of upselling:

Bundle Complementary “Partner” Products: Bundling is an easy way to elevate your sharing and sales. For example, if you're sharing Sleep Spray, consider pairing it with Calm Balm, which contains Lavender Essential Oil for a soothing and relaxing scent, while also revitalizing the skin for a restful night. You could also suggest adding Eye Zing to tackle dark circles while your customer works on establishing a healthier sleep routine.

While presenting “Partner Products,” don't forget to mention collections, sets, and the Customer Special. Show how selecting a pre-set collection can help them save more, or how adding just one more item can qualify them for the exclusive $5 customer special. This not only boosts value but also showcases great customer service!

Incorporating upselling into your strategy allows you to enhance customer satisfaction while meeting their needs. So, next time you share Jordan Essentials, remember to explore upselling to maximize both sales and customer value.


We have all heard the phrase, "Follow your dreams." But what does it really mean? Following your dreams isn’t just a whimsical idea; it’s a commitment to living your life with purpose and passion. However, the journey to achieving your dreams can be challenging. It demands dedication, hard work, and resilience in the face of obstacles.

8 years ago, I sat at the desk in this photo, all the way in Massachusetts. It was my first trip to visit the home office of Vantel Pearls. It became my goal to be a part of the corporate team and help others achieve success. The road to my dream took a turn I didn't expect when our company owner retired in 2021. It was tough to see the path forward, and it was bumpy, but just wait!

It all came together perfectly while visiting the Jordan Essentials home office in Nixa this week. Nancy described how she got her desk from her close friend, Joanie after closing her company, Vantel Pearls. The same desk I sat in 8 years prior, was the same one before me. In that full-circle moment, I realized that everything since 2021 needed to happen exactly as it did, to bring me to exactly where I am now. I’m here to remind you that following your dreams is worth every ounce of effort you put into it! 

Now for a little about me! I am a military wife and proud mom to three sons: one in the Air Force, a freshman in college, and a freshman in high school. Based in Southeast GA, near Jacksonville, FL, I started in direct selling 9 years ago, leading myself and a large team to find great success. I am passionate about the impact social media has on personal and business growth! I hope that we can partner together to leverage the tremendous potential of social media to tell everyone about Jordan Essentials! I look forward to helping you build confidence, attract and retain customers, and renew your excitement to grow your personal business!

Alex Bogart