October 2023 Jordan Times

Associate Director Promotions

Valerie Myers

Jessica Shelton

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Michelle Hampton
Lori Reina

Star 1 Consultant

Beverly Chariton
Crystal Schneider
Mava Zilka
Rebecca Hundley
Hillary Townsend
Arlene Bartels
Karen Stanek
Bonita Maggard Hayth
Pamela Love
Lisa Mills


Top in Sponsoring

Karen Simpson
4 Diamond Director

When I first stared in Direct Sales, I sponsored two people in my first year. One of them was my sister and I begged her to join me.
16 years later and we are still going strong!

The top five things that I have learned are:
1.) Sponsoring can be learned.
2.) Sponsoring is matching up what I have to offer to what someone might be looking for.
3.) Sponsoring is a gift with potential to change someone’s life.
4.) The more times I share the gift, it becomes second nature. 
5.) I know Magnesium is amazing, however, our kit is our product with the greatest potential to reach more people. 

It’s a terrific thing to share healthy products with people that make them feel and look better.

This is a season where an even greater number of people are looking for a debt free holiday.
Let’s all join together to offer the gift of:
Option A: healthy products or
Option B: healthy products at a discount and the opportunity to create an income. 
There are many resources available in the JEU and your upline Director is ready to partner with you. 
Your next teammate might just be with you 16 years from now just like my sister is with me!

Happy Sponsoring!

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  2. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  3. Kathryn Austin

  4. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  5. Judy Poland

    3 Diamond Director

  6. Sharon Vaughan

  7. Renee Brown

  8. Lisa Mills
    Essential Consultant

  9. Arlene Bartels
    Essential Consultant

  10. Frank Miller
    Associate Director

Top in Sales

Jessica Berger
Diamond Director

Whew, where did September GO???

I had so many things on my calendar while having a little girl starting 7th grade in the high school and her birthday so I couldn't miss any of those fun times.
This month I had to have a plan and NOT fly by the seat of my pants this time if I was going to have it all successful. (I flew a little lol) 

My plan worked and everyone made it out alive from my home front, events, customers and my team. I still need some sleep. 

Sometimes your plan works and other times not or you find things you can change and make it work even better. 

Be grateful for the home office staff we have, don't take things for granted, be true to your self (some days are tough), touch you business and team daily. 

Lastly, have your eye on the prize of what you want from all this. (that was for you Marian wink)

Just keep swimming~Dory

Bring on October~Hugs, Jordie Jess

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  2. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  3. Dori Mekelburg
    Diamond Director

  4. Kimber Stewart
    2 Diamond Director

  5. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Cindy Gustafson
    Star 3 Team Leader

  7. Molly Cost
    Star 1 Consultant

  8. Teresa Villalobos

  9. Sue Kramer
    Star 3 Team Leader

  10. Lori Reina
    Star 1 Consultant


September: A Month of Celebrations and New Beginnings! 

Nancy Bogart

Ah the warm sunshine is being replaced by cozy fragrances, football and family time in the fall.

This is the season to make a plan to be the Jordie you want to be this holiday season and it is as easy as One- Two- Three!

One: What is your sales and income goal for the holiday?

How much do you spend on holiday gifts? Make it a debt free JE holiday! 

Two: Work your business in two blocks.

One is on new business. The second is on customer service. 

New business is key and it comes from bookings, new hosts, talking to new people and getting new customers.  

You can find new customers on social, asking for referrals, at parties and at vendor events. New customers are all around us! 

Follow up can build into a fortune! People love our products and always want to buy more, you just have to be ready to ask. 

We use 2+2+2! 2 days after an order is received send a message: "Did you get your orders? Be sure to use it and love it!"

2 weeks later: "Just checking in to be sure you are enjoying your products! Be sure and let me know if you have any questions!"

2 months: "It’s time to reorder, and I’m here to help!"

Three- Share JE with 2 people 

When you plus two others are active and meet goal you become a Star 3!  Promoting is a great feeling to help others and it also building income and trip points! 

We make it simple with step by step new Jordie training in JE Universty.  Just send your new Jordie there for training and show them what you do and voila' you are a Star 3!

This month is a wonderful opportunity with the $29 join special.  Start sharing today in October! 

Let's make this a great Fall Ya'll!

It is as easy as One- Two- Three!

Believe and Succeed,


Sponsoring: It is all about the benefits

Marian Smith

Have you ever gotten one of these messages? 

“Hey friend! Want to join my team? It is just $29 this month!”

Does this go through your mind?

“Who is this person? Why are we friends? Why do I want to spend $29 to be on her team? What is she selling anyway?”

The opportunity to join Jordan Essentials - your team - is a gift we should offer to everyone; and, it should be a gift of benefit and value to them! You wouldn’t wrap up Pet Shampoo for a person with no pets!

Popping around into people’s DM or texting out of the blue is like a spam phone call! It feels salesy and icky.

I encourage you to change it up! Offer the opportunity as a gift and think about what you are gifting and who you are gifting it to.

  • What part of the opportunity might be a fit for the person?

    • Extra income

    • Community

    • Helping others

  • How will it benefit them? 

    • Flexibility

    • Extra income

    • Amazing products

Successful sponsoring is about building a relationship based on trust and respect. It starts with a caring conversation. 

“Hey Suzie. I see your posts about eating healthier and changing your lifestyle. I would love to share a little about Jordan Essentials. We are a healthy, non-toxic, natually-based skin care company. Could I share a little more info with you?”

“Hi Mary! I see your posts about Uber driving and how stressful it has been for you. You might be seeing my posts about Jordan Essentials. I am making a great part-time income without the Uber stresses! I would love to chat with you.”

“Thank you for your order Betty. You know you are one of my favorite customers! I have to offer this to you. You can continue buying as a customer and being one of my favs or this month you can sign up for $29 and earn 25% back on your products. AND…I know you share these with your friends, you can earn 25% on what they buy too! Is this something you would be interested in learning more about?”

The key in any sponsoring conversation is what is in it for THEM…not what is in it for YOU!

Join me on Monday Night Live on October 9 and we will talk more about sharing the opportunity

Alex Bogart