November 2023 Jordan Times

Diamond Director Promotion

Cindy Monroe

Hi, my name is Cindy Monroe. I started my Jordan Essentials journey on February 15th, 2021. I started with the intent to have something to do when I retired. After about one year, I became a Director. I retired in January, 2023. I’m so excited to be a Diamond Director. I have the best team ever. They all work very hard for our team. I’m very proud of every one of them. I really love that Jordan Essentials isn’t just a company, we are all family. I need to give a shoutout to my up line Director, Judy Poland. She guides with kindness and love. I just Praise the Lord that God put us together.

Director Promotion

Sue Kramer

Hello!! Sue Kramer here!!
I am from Spring Green Wisconsin, where my husband and I live on a 120 acre farm that I actually grew up on! We have 2 sons that are married and 5 grand kiddos that we love to spoil!

When I was introduced to Jordan Essentials last year, specifically, the Peppermint Magnesium Lotion, I had no intention of selling it! I had been with another direct sales company that abruptly shut it doors, and I was not interested in going through that again! So, the plan was to just join JE and get the discount!! Tee hee!! 

Well, I started sharing my bottle and telling friends how great the mag lotion was!! They wanted their own bottle too! Then I began going to vendor events and it was incredible!! Getting people to try the products and having immediate relief….it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced!! I was actually helping people!!
I feel like I need to put a sign on my table that says “IF YOU TRY IT, YOU’LL BUY IT”. That’s a great mantra, don’t you think?!?

I’m excited for the future with JE as my little team grows!
Remember, great things come from small beginnings 💗

Director Promotion

Frank Miller

I am a full time semi truck driver. I’m married and we have 2 adult kids, Walker and Tayler, and a 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Elaina. They all use and love our products.

I started Jordan Essentials a year and a half ago after my wife was introduced to the peppermint magnesium lotion at a vendor event for her plantar factitious. Cindy said just try it. She was so excited that it worked. So I shared it with my mom for her naropothy in her feet. She now uses it everyday and twice a day and won’t ever be without it, so I decided to join .

My wife has done direct sales for 28 years and now we both have our own direct sales businesses. We are able to do vendor events together now. I enjoy helping lots of people with many different issues and problems that they are having and giving them a natural solution.

I’m not your typical Jordie so make sure not to ever prejudge who you are offering the opportunity to. Men can do this business too!!

I have an amazing team of men and women and I’m proud of them and we will continue to grow!!

Associate Director Promotions

Laura Larimore

Shelley Mehne

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Amy Comiskey
Lisa Mills
Antonio Villalobos

Star 1 Consultant

Sharri Stuart
Alissa Almany
Kim Almany
Krystal Batchelor
Stephanie Cushman
Jacki Koers
Michele Lewis
Linda M Riehl
Jennifer Sevy
Lisa Vaugn


Top in Sponsoring

Tammy Bechtel
4 Diamond Director

23 years ago, I made a choice to approach my Jordan Essentials business differently from my previous entrepreneurial endeavors. Instead of solely focusing on sales, I also embraced the practice of sharing the opportunity, and this decision has led to an incredible journey, to say the least.

If you're seeking greater success in your Jordan Essentials business, consider sponsorship as a powerful tool in your arsenal.  It's all about cultivating relationships and leaving the door open for opportunities to share more than just our remarkable products. Give it a shot! Let sponsorship be the catalyst for your growth and achievements.

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  2. Amy Comiskey
    Star 3 Team Leader

  3. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  4. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  5. Delana Wood

    3 Diamond Director

  6. Laura Larimore
    Associate Director

  7. Sasha Sweder
    2 Diamond Director

  8. Teresa Villalobos

  9. Kathryn Collier

  10. Shelley Mehne
    Associate Director

Top in Sales

Kathy Austin

I fell in love with Jordan Essentials products 23 years ago and immediately signed up to be a consultant. My plan was for personal use and to give to family and friends. Before long everyone was wanting some Shea Butter or Lotion Bars and my business began!

Through the years, I have made many awesome life long friends and gone on many trips. I love doing events, visiting with people, and helping others live a better life.

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Kathryn Austin

  2. Renee Brown

  3. Sharon Vaughan

  4. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  5. Pamela Everhart
    Essential Consultant

  6. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  7. Michelle Meek

  8. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  9. Michele Lewis
    Star 1 Consultant

  10. Nicole Johnson
    Essential Consultant


Nancy Bogart

We focused on sponsoring new Jordies - but that doesn't have to end and can continue after October. People need the JE biz every day!

I was just at two Direct Sales events in October, and the message and research show that people are open to joining a direct sales company, and here are the top reasons.

1. A company they can believe in - Hello 23 years!
2. One with a simple path to success (be sure and join me on MNL training on FB Consultant Community on Nov 13th at 7 pm CT)
3. In-demand products: have you tried magnesium?
4. A place where they can make money: 25% - 35% personal commissions! (according to Hootsuite research the average influencer makes 8-10%)
5. A company that gives back. Check out the Coco and Pedro K9s for Warrior initiative and the Feeding America giveback - the total keeps going up! All of this in addition to our community work with hiring adults with disabilities.

Jordan Essentials has the whole package every day. I am so thankful for each of you saying yes to the JE opportunity. Who do you know that needs JE?


November: Having an Attitude of Gratitude

Marian Smith

In the fast-paced world of direct selling, where success is often measured in numbers and figures, it's easy to overlook the significance of gratitude. However, cultivating a mindset of gratitude can be a powerful catalyst for building a thriving business and lifelong friends. 

Acknowledging the importance of gratitude goes beyond positivity; it fundamentally transforms the way we approach our work, relationships, and overall business strategies.

There are three key ways gratitude can help build your business:

Strengthening Relationships: Sending personalized thank-you notes and makes make customers feel valued and appreciated. Think outside the box and send cards in November – before Thanksgiving.  Send a card without a coupon, discount or QR code. Make it about the relationship and not about gaining a sale.

Fostering Team Collaboration: Use November to recognize and appreciate your team members' efforts regularly.  Shout out actions and not just results! Give a “high five” to someone who shares an idea, comments on others posts and has a great attitude. Be grateful for their support and participation.

Enhancing Leadership Skills: Grateful leaders inspire and motivate their teams. They acknowledge that without team members, leaders would not be leaders! Focus on being grateful for your team and strive to be the best leader you can be each day.

Incorporating gratitude into your business not only nurtures positive relationships but also creates a supportive team environment, fostering growth and success for everyone involved.

Alex Bogart