December 2023 Jordan Times

Diamond Director Promotion

Pam Meddaugh

Greetings ~ I’m Pam Meddaugh!

I live in Bancroft, WI (population 250)where my husband and I have raised our children, Marissa and Merrick. We’ve been married 35 years, own a logging business, and love living in the country. We are on the road quite often visiting our kids as they chose the city life, Milwaukee and St Paul.

When I was introduced to Jordan Essentials, almost 3 years ago, I was searching for a new face care product.  I was specifically looking for 3 things, clean, easy, and affordable! I’ve been loving and sharing this product every day since! Soon after, my husband, who is my lumberjack, was looking for pain management, Helio to the rescue.

Direct sales is my passion, has been for over 30 years, and I have found my home with Jordan Essentials! I’m retiring from my corporate day job as a Director of Customer Service, May 2024, and promoting to Diamond Director is an exciting stepping-stone towards that goal. We love to travel, so I see that in our future, and how fun to own a business that you can work from anywhere!

I’m beyond proud of my team, I shared our goal November 1st, mapped out a plan, and we bonded together as we cheered, supported, and celebrated every single sale!  It was scary to share this goal out loud, however, with the encouragement of my amazing sponsor Kimber Stewart, and her ability to help me stay focused, here we are!

Believe in yourself, believe in these amazing products, set those goals, work your business every single day, and you will SOAR my friends!

I’m so excited to see what’s next for US on this Journey with Jordan Essentials.

Diamond Director Promotion

Frank Miller

I have never done direct sales before Jordan Essentials but this has given me confidence and pride! I’m proud of my accomplishments and that of our team. To be the first man to achieve Diamond Director is awesome and exciting. Our team has very talented men and women that have a passion to share Jordan Essentials with everyone they meet! I’m excited when people share the positive results they are experiencing by using these products. I look forward to the future and helping many more people on this journey!!

Director Promotion

Amy Comiskey

Hi All! My name is Amy Comiskey. This is a picture of me and my family from a couple years ago cutting down our Christmas Tree. My children from left to right are: Rocco (now 16), Bruno (10) & Martia (almost 15). And, of course my husband, “Big Sexy” (aka Mike). (That last one is a long story.  Ask me about it, when you see me at an event. Bottom line, he came to me with that nickname. lol

I joined Jordan Essentials mid-October, after taking a considerable break from another long-time direct sales leadership position.  

My family and I are absolutely IN LOVE with every product we’ve tried, so far.  I’m so happy JE has scents that can be layered, and products for the whole family - fur babies, included! 

I cannot tell you how unbelievably appreciative I am for all the nuances of this company, and how warmly my team and I have been received. We are excited every day to share our new-found passion, chat about strategies, check in with one another and see what new and wonderful things we can discover about Jordan Essentials!  

Happy Holidays to you all!  I cannot wait to see what 2024 has in store for each and every one of us!”

Director Promotion

Julie Crow

First, all I can say is wow and secondly, I’m proud and excited to be a Jordie!

I live in Goodland, Kansas, married and have two sons ages 21 and 19. My husband and I both have separate jobs plus operate a hunting business and coach two youth shooting sports teams. To say we are a busy family is an understatement!

I first heard about Jordan Essentials four years ago when my massage therapist recommended, I try the dead sea salt to help with my inflammation caused by allergies. Shortly after I learned that I was allergic to all my skin care products and cleaning supplies. Not going to lie, I joined Jordan Essentials in July 2021 to earn free product! I was using almost all the products and feeling the best I had in years. I didn’t see myself in direct sales and I really didn’t think I had time to host parties or do vendor shows.

Two months after joining Jordan Essentials was a turning point in my life. I found that it was very easy to share my testimonial and easy to share products I use and love! I stepped out of my comfort zone, I hosted parties, I did vendor shows, and I learned how to do Facebook lives and reels! I made time in a busy crazy life to be a Jordan Essential consultant with a goal to make a difference in people’s lives.

I have great team members that all have their own testimonials. The leadership within Jordan Essentials is amazing! Thank you, Kara and Dori, for all the guidance! Meeting everyone in person at 2023 Jordanvention was amazing and motivating. I’m wowed by the direction this journey with Jordan Essentials has taken and love being a consultant! I’m proud and grateful to become a Jordan Essentials Director and excited for the opportunity to lead others through their journey!

Director Promotion

Laura Larimore

So thankful for meeting Judy Poland in 2019 she introduced me to Magnesium Lotion for my husband’s shoulder pain and it worked!!! In August of this year I reached out to Judy to get some more Magnesium and asked her “do you still do home parties” to my surprise she said yes. lol That was the beginning of this amazing Jordan Essentials journey, I truly loved every product I used at my party as well as I was seeing my family and friends see immediate results in trying the magnesium. I signed up the next day and WOW has this taken off like a rocket. I told my husband and Judy I am not a sales person……..with Jordan Essentials you don’t have to be because the products speaks for themselves. I am so thankful to Judy Poland and my amazing husband for believing in me and coming along side me on this amazing journey that God has me on. I love that Nancy and the Jordan Essentials Family is all about God and Family. That’s dear to my heart! I look forward to meeting each one of you amazing Jordies!

Love to all…

Director Promotion

Shelley Mehne

Director Promotion

Billie Jean Miles

I live on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with my husband Ray and our fourteen-year-old son Severn. I stumbled upon Jordan Essentials in the quest to find affordable and healthy skin care products for myself in July 2022. The different Magnesium products caught my interest and I decided to “jump” right in.

This decision has proven to be the best one yet! Through customers and fellow Jordies, I’ve forged valuable friendships. I feel fortunate to be part of Kara Lawson’s Unstoppable Tribe. What a group of amazing women! The potential self-development and growth into leadership excites me. I am very thankful for my small team whose efforts made this journey possible. I can’t wait to watch us grow stronger together!

--Billie Jean Miles

Director Promotion

Valerie Myers

Hi all, I am Valerie Myers and I'm a mom of 4 boys, 2 beautiful granddaughters and wife of 26 years!! 

I started with Jordan Essentials on February 12, 2020 and wasn't really sure how this was going to go because I just came from another company that just wasn't the right fit anymore, but my sponsor at the time was like, “I know you'll love Jordan Essentials!”

From the moment I joined I could tell I was going to absolutely love it!!! Once I realized I mattered and I wasn't just a number to the company because that was my mindset, I started sharing with everyone and anyone 

This past year has taught me that I definitely have an EXTENDED family with Jordan Essentials and I'm forever grateful for all the love and support from you all, I love sharing Jordan Essentials. 

Special thanks to My Amazing leader Judy Poland, my best friend Renee Brown, and Nancy Bogart.

Associate Director Promotions

Terri Berry

Melissa Goeddertz

Rebecca Hundley

Toni Jones

Lisa Milles

Patty Regan

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Jennifer Beans
Jennifer Bentz
Diana Crouse
Kathy Cunningham
Michele Gile
Jacqualine Hurley
Laura McClung
Jean Novacek
Deanna Turner

Star 2 Consultant

Karen Stanek

Star 1 Consultant

Jaime Wittkamp
Janet Dibble
Jenny Leopold
Kate Uroza
Kristin Wessell
Latricia Davis
Nicole Johnson
Rebeccah Kleinberg
Sarah Salley
Sharon Hunkapiller
Sheila Mitchell
Tara Hestand


Top in Sponsoring

Renee Brown

Wow just wow!!! What a month!! I never in my life imagined that in just 2.5 years I would have such a great team, and I am so proud of each and everyone of them!!! When I started my journey 2.5 years ago I was honestly in it for myself and my family!!! Then, the more I shared the more people wanted to be apart of this amazing company!! 

I absolutely love sharing my love of Jordan Essentials with anyone and everyone,  and I am so blessed to have so many amazing new teammates! I cannot wait to watch them soar! 

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Renee Brown

  2. Sarah Brown

  3. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  4. Dottie Bryant
    Essential Consultant

  5. Terri Berry

    Associate Director

  6. Amy Comiskey

  7. Kristy See
    Diamond Director

  8. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  9. Andrea Kenney
    Diamond Director

  10. Valerie Myers

Top in Sales

Judy Poland
3 Diamond Director

Wow! I’m trying to get our magnesium lotion on every bedside table in America! When I started 6 years ago— Dec 1, 2017, I joined because of the Peppermint Magnesium Lotion, I knew Nancy had a great product and I wanted to link arms and share it with everybody that would stand still to listen. My goal is not to be Top in anything- it’s to share these awesome products with people who need them! Please tell everybody, share with everybody, help as many people as you can with their issues, because you know.. IF THEY HAVE ISSUES… WE HAVE SOLUTIONS!!  MAG UP AND RUN WITH ME ! LET’S GOOO!!! 

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  2. Kathryn Austin

  3. Sue Kramer

  4. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  5. Sandy Holle
    Diamond Director

  6. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  7. Terry Bettels

  8. Renee Brown

  9. Kristy See
    Diamond Director

  10. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director


Nancy Bogart

It was a November to remember with record-breaking sales, multiple top-level promotions, and the dream of getting JE magnesium under every tree in the USA closer to reality!

I wanted to take a moment in my little space in the Jordan Times to talk to you about YOU! Your part in this dream. You might be reading this as a hobby user or a top seller. Did you know when I woke up on December 1st, sat down with a cup of coffee in my comfy robe and slippers, and ran the report for Ron and me, each dollar did not have a name on it?! You matter to my dreams and goals, and I hope you are realizing yours. You started JE with a goal in mind to maybe earn enough to pay for your own JE obsession, make a car payment, or make this a career level all in, but you know what? It all matters! I wanted to stop and say thank you. I have seen many company milestones over 23 years, but I have to say these, as a seasoned sage company, are the sweetest.

So, in this last month of 2023, I am eager to serve you and close the year out with you. Take a peek at everything going on in your company and finish strong. I love, care for, and believe in you.

Essentially yours, 


On Dancer, on Prancer…On to Reindeer Games

Marian Smith

Happy Holidays! It is hard to believe we are 19 days to Christmas and half way through our Reindeer Games!

Reindeer Games is more than a way to win entries into a prize drawing. It is a fun way to build your business and your business habits going forward.  Use the challenges to focus on growing your business.

  1. Start simple. What are ways to get $200 in sales? 

  1. Double dip and have a virtual host! Start a virtual party using our new, easy peasy format, close it out on Sunday and you will have an entry in for the party and entries in for sales too!

Work the 10-2-1 formula. If you have 10 - $50 orders that gives you 2 entries AND $125 commission in your wallet just in time for holiday spending! Secure 2 bookings and end the year strong.  The week between Christmas and New Year’s is a great time to party in person and virtually too!

And…share the special $20 gift bonus when someone joins this month and they can shop for items of their choice and launch their business and earn holiday cash too!

Let the Reindeer light your way to holiday business and fun this year!

Alex Bogart