March 2023 Jordan Times



Lauren Rush

It’s been another incredible month for our Essentially Diamonds team.  I am so proud of them and all the individual successes that are blooming on the inside.  They truly are the MAGIC behind it all. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and that we found a “home” with Jordan Essentials”


Ginger Hallaert

Wow!! I can’t believe what a crazy ride this has already been. I have done direct sales for many years but never excelled so quickly. So about me, I am a mom of 2 outstanding young men. Joey and Daniel. I feel that being able to give them a strong role model has been very beneficial to them. It has helped them to make very responsible choices. They are both on a great path for success. One purchased his first home at the age of 21, the other is a United States Marine. They are also my daily motivation. I am thankful for everyone that has been so incredibly helpful since I took the leap on January 11, 2023 to start my Jordan Essentials Journey. Blessed is the best word to describe how lucky I am to have found my team members. Everyone works so hard, everyone is helpful and most important positive and motivated. I hope by share my knowledge and leadership skills so we can all reach and even exceed our goals. Cheers to our success and a equally successful year for Jordan Essentials Go Team Jordie Chiq

Associate Directors

Jennifer Storm

Tiwanna Dunn

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Lynda Stewart
Ivanito Tauscher
Shelly Kent
Jannette Laabs
Nikki Jones
Heather Watters
Toni Jones
Jennifer Cromer
Antoinette Hunihan
Renee Knox
Barbara Cogswell

Star 1 Consultant

Leah Cook
Aimee Ransom
Julie DeStefano
Lisa Huff
Mary Ruggieri
Leticia Switzer
Melissa Gray
Desiree Nudo
Jessica Shelton
Lisa Dobrovolny
Jennifer Secure
Penny Ashe
Jessica Reef


Top in Sponsoring

Delana Wood

How FUN is this! To get to share this gift of Jordan Essentials to the world is one of my most favorite parts of our job! And gosh to think back when I first started in this industry, how this was so scary and not part of my plan at all. I keep thinking that I'm so thankful that someone asked me. 

The one big thing that I have learned is that you NEVER give up on people! Just because they've said no before, doesn't mean it's no forever. Just because someone tried once before and it didn't work out, does not mean that they can't try again. And just because we may think someone doesn't want us, does not mean that they don't need us! We lead with love and love people where they are always. We have to remember that people are craving what the Jordan culture can give them! So how do they know if this is a good fit? If we don't share and ASK! 

My heart's desire is that I lead by example for my wonderful GRIT Organization and that we as a whole (our entire Jordan family) are fearless in shining a light so bright on this company that the whole world knows Jordan Essentials!

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  2. Lauren Rush
    2 Diamond Director

  3. Sasha Sweder

  4. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  5. Terri Bechtel-Storti

    2 Diamond Director

  6. Rhonda Hernandez
    Associate Director

  7. Leesa Langley
    Associate Director

  8. Jamie Jubin
    Associate Director

  9. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  10. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

Top in Sales

Karen Simpson

I am a believer in working my business all five ways. When I look back over February, that’s exactly what I did! I contacted all my customers and shared the new product debut (customer care& follow up), met with my neighbor and shared in person, participated in 2 vendor events, had a really fun home party with a new host and had an online Galentines party. That’s what makes JE the place to be. The flexibility to decide how to share the products and how much income you want from doing that. If you’ve been curious about doing one of those five ways that you haven’t tried yet, make March the month you do it!

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  2. Chelsea Wallner

  3. Jessica Berger

  4. Jennifer Secure
    Essential Consultant

  5. Georgianne Sly
    Star 2 Consultant

  6. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  7. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  8. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  9. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  10. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director


Nancy Bogart

February was the month of love and our birthday and I LOVE that so many new Jordies joined and made it their birthday too.

Looking back on 23 years I have been asked so many times about our longevity. 

The secret is to focus on what really matters with gratitude and on people.  People make the difference!

Here are a couple of my personal success thoughts for our 23rd b day 

  1. Think about one year from now.  What will it look like? Picture the best life possible and work towards that.  

  2. Who do you want to be?  Work toward that vision.

  3. Find something to be grateful for right now.  Stop and think of at least one thing.

  4. Have that set of friends who reminds you of good things, potential and the opportunity to shine as the person you are.

  5. Create the life you want using all of the gifts around you.  JE is a community full of opportunity for you to dive into and use to make all of your wishes come true!

Happy Birthday Jordies!


Practice Makes Progress!

Marian Smith

February is behind us and March is in front of us! But…don’t lose track of the amazing training Brenda Ster proved every Monday in February. Use this to march forward in your business.

Think back and rewatch or review some of the key points. Put them in place along with great ways you are already building your business. Here are my three take-aways.

  1. Do a quick review of your personal profile. Brenda focused on Facebook, but many of the same tips apply to Instagram and other platforms too. Are you “peek” ready? Will people know what you do and what you value?

  2. Make your posts engaging, entertaining and a look at who you are. No need to be salesy. Let people know who you are and what you do too.

  3. Build relationships with new people! Yes…there are more friends to find – more lemons to squeeze. Think about you and what you would like to learn more about or be active in. Are you a dog lover, book reader, gardener or avid traveler? Those are all great groups to join to grow personally and make new friends where you will have a common ground. Get to know them as they get to know you! (Remember Step 1 – they will be peeking at you!)

Follow these three steps and watch your business bloom in March!

3 Mindset Tips to Help Grow Your Business

Jenna Warford

You love the idea of having the right “mindset” for growing your business—but have you ever thought about exactly what that might mean?

Here’s a quick look at three of the most important aspects of a growth mindset.

  1. If you can believe it, you can achieve it.
    Essentially, this means that you believe something is possible, and that with the right knowledge, passion, practice and effort, it is possible for YOU. If you need to work on achieving this mindset, then look for the examples that clearly demonstrate what you want is possible. Then, interact with those examples. The examples might be within a person or group of people, books, or history; whatever clearly shows that what you are dreaming of is possible.

  2. Abundance
    It’s common to think the “believe it/achieve it” mindset is the same as the “abundance” mindset—I’ve known smart, successful people who thought these were interchangeable, and as a result, struggled to reach the levels they wanted to attain. Abundance is knowing that there is more than enough to share, so that you’re able to share extravagantly without justifying sharing less. To achieve this mindset you’ll need to practice it. While you’re practicing, the most important thing to “catch” yourself doing is reasoning with yourself that “giving/doing less is acceptable or even better.” When that happens, be very intentional about your self-talk. “Actually, while sharing less is acceptable, it’s not abundant, and I want to give abundantly so I receive abundantly. So, I choose abundance in this matter. It’s a choice and it will make a difference.”

  3. Help enough people get what they want and you’ll get what you want
    This is 100% true—as long as your priority isn’t “getting the credit.” If you are striving for the recognition, that will be your reward, rather than the growth. Want to have growth--a large team? Help your downline master sponsoring and growing a team. Want exceptional sales and group volume? Help your downline become successful at sharing the products according to their strengths.

Alex Bogart