February 2023 Jordan Times



Lauren Rush

Wow!  This is all so exciting. 
A few of my closest friends and I joined Jordan Essentials on January 11th after learning that the company we had helped represent closed their doors to the US market in direct sales. We were crushed as we were just starting to settle in, but Nancy and Jordan Essentials quickly became an opportunity that we wanted to pursue. 
I’d like to give mad props to Nancy and her incredible staff for such a warm welcome. Their patience with our questions has been AMAZING! Shout out to our new team “Essentially Diamonds” because without them and their trust in us, none of this would have happened, and many thanks to the Jordie community for all your kindness and accepting us into your tribe. 
I am eager to keep learning, growing, and having fun. 
Turning the page and writing the next chapter




Associate Directors




Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Cat Lammers
Jennifer Storm
Shaylene Fisher
Shannon Wade
Penny Keiper
Diona Natividad
Sherry Caro
Shirley Kennedy
Valerie Myers
Melissa Goeddertz
Jennifer Wilkerson

Star 1 Consultant

Denise Hagen
Angela McMeins
Angela Anderson
Tammy Wright
Heather Watters
Toni Jones
Beverly Farmer
Darcy Whitney
Heather Prejean
Jennifer Cromer
Antoinette Hunihan
Renee Knox
Cheryl Findley
Roxy Rawleigh
Amy Pringer
Penny Hart
Peggy Martin


Top in Sponsoring


Sasha Sweder

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Sasha Sweder

  2. Lauren Rush
    Diamond Director

  3. Ginger Hallaert
    Associate Director

  4. Leesa Langley
    Associate Director

  5. Shaylene Fisher

    Star 3 Team Leader

  6. Cat Lammers
    Star 3 Team Leader

  7. Christie Pratt
    Associate Director

  8. Toni Jones
    Star 1 Consultant

  9. Leslie Jones
    Essential Consultant

  10. Ivanito Tauscher
    Essential Consultant

Top in Sales

Jessica Berger

Hey everyone, Jordie Jess here! Mama of 2 busy athletic girls and always on the go.

They say the "J" months can be the slowest in sales for many companies.
I take that as a challenge since I always want to have a consistent business each month and want to Lead by Example for my team Fierce and Fabulous. I can't expect them to work hard for their goals if I don't right? 

Building a solid customer base, being personal with my customer friends and knowing my products has helped keep my business flowing month after month.
Also, the referrals I get has increased every month in this past year. 
Being with the company only 2 Years (feels like 23) last month has felt amazing, my team lifts each other up every day and they inspire me as much as I try to inspire them. 

I cannot WAIT for the New Spring/Summer Launch and 2023. I am a mermaid and I BELIEVE!

Lastly, my word of the year is Value! Not just in my products but the value (worth) I have to bring to my company/business, my team and customers. 

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Jessica Berger

  2. Frank Miller
    Associate Director

  3. Kimber Stewart
    2 Diamond Director

  4. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  5. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Jennifer Secure
    Essential Consultant

  7. Cynthia Schmidt
    Associate Director

  8. Beverly Franklin

  9. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  10. Renee Brown


Nancy Bogart

I always love it when it's around our Jordan Essential's birthday time. I'm always thinking about how we can look at the past and learn from it and look forward into the future. This season of growth also brings new challenges and new opportunities.

I love seeing the celebrations that happen all across the country as we launch the new catalog and celebrated trip earners and so much more. This is  why we chose to be a direct sales, business and partnered hand-in-hand with our Jordies 23 years ago around the old oak kitchen table.

It was a choice I made. 

Do you ever think about the choices you get to make every day?  I'm very grateful for you and grateful for 23 amazing years! 

Thank you for being so special and amazing and I look forward to many many more.  


Fall in Love with JE all Month Long!

Marian Smith

January’s Class Bash was a hit! So much so we are doing a concept repeat in February with four weekly classes!

The classes are pivotal ways to learn about and share Jordan Essentials.  As a consultant, you learn first-hand about JE products and the opportunity. Fun, educational, and interactive, they are ideal ways to gain the basics and pro tips on using products. 

One of the key components of being successful is to be a product of the product! Classes introduce you to products you may not have tried and widen your understanding of the features and benefits of products and ingredients.

Exploring and experiencing new products develops your base of knowledge to choose the best products for you, your family and to recommend products for your friends and customers too.

Secondly, who wouldn’t want one of the home office experts talking with your customers? Let us do the talking and sharing while you gather up the sales and new consultants. Invite your friends, customers, and guests to watch the free weekly classes to learn more about JE. You follow up after the class. 

  • What caught their attention? 

  • What products made them listen closer? 

  • What problem in their life could JE help solve?

Connect with them each week and build an ongoing relationship. After all, that is the foundation of direct selling.

Mark your calendar - Every Tuesday in February at 7:30 pm Central  Time. Tune in and enjoy!

There is no question that mass marketing works—you saw the ad from Target (le Targét) and promptly added the item to your cart.

Jenna Warford

But it’s also true that the more personal the offer is, the more likely it is to be accepted.

So yes, DEFINITELY put a gorgeous image about our Birthday celebration of the half price business opportunity on your personal page and in your VIP group.

People who are *already* thinking about becoming a Jordie may reach out to you. But remember, one of your most important activities is CONNECTING what someone wants/needs/desires with what Jordan Essentials and your team offers.

This connection does two things:

  1. It spells out why the JE opportunity may matter to the person (they have probably never thought much about it and definitely don’t have all the information you do.)

  2. It allows you to start a conversation about something they’re interested in, rather than listening to you talk about what you’re excited about. Guess which conversation will engage them more effectively?

There a many (many!) reasons someone may want to be a Jordie—income and helping others improve their quality of life with topical magnesium are just two. This graphic lists 20, but it doesn’t include several, like Recognition. (Do you know anyone who says their boss never gives them any feedback except, “You forgot to…” or “Why didn’t you…” Jordan Essentials Leaders a constantly giving “kudos” and pats on the back to their team members—recognition many don’t get in other jobs.)

Think about the reasons listed on this blue graphic. Who do you know that fits one of these reasons? Give them a call! After a quick greeting, you can say something like this:

Sarah, I know you ___________ (reason or two you noted about her from the list of reasons.)
So I think Jordan Essentials has a lot to offer you:Great products, perfect price point and sharing the products has become something I love to do. I think you might love it, too. Are you open to me sharing more information about the company’s side gig with you?

Great… I’ll send you a link with more information.

Then send them the JE Digital Opportunity Packet—it includes a video from Nancy and gorgeous images + info about the perks of being a Jordie.


You can find instructions on personalizing the the Opportunity Packet here (although you can use the general one, too: https://youtu.be/h27LJ4xbrYs

Alex Bogart