January 2023 Jordan Times

Associate Directors



Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Rochelle Painter
Margaret Patterson
Sarah Matott
Kara Niewenhuis

Star 1 Consultant

Kellie Baker
Penny Keiper
Jennifer Whipps Wescott
Leshia Drewa
Beth Christopher
Dena Minardo
Linda Dinwiddie


Top in Sponsoring

This past month I’ve been very blessed by my amazing customers, hosts and events. I go into an event or show so excited because I know that our products are going to change somebody's life, either with our products or the opportunity! Sales and sponsoring I feel go hand in hand, if you get in front of enough people, both happen, you sell products and then you also have people wanting to join your team. I feel like if you have a contagious attitude you will attract both sales and people. Be a MAGnet!! Attract both!! Magnify your life!!

Judy Poland
3 Diamond Director

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  2. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  3. Brenda Powers
    Star 3 Team Leader

  4. Jacqualine Hurley
    Associate Director

  5. Marlene Evans


  6. Patti Creeley
    Star 1 Consultant

  7. Leslie Porter
    Star 2 Consultant

  8. Sarah Brown

  9. Lisa Cerrone-Allsup
    Star 2 Consultant

  10. Beth Christopher
    Essential Consultant

Top in Sales

Judy Poland
3 Diamond Director

This past month I’ve been very blessed by my amazing customers, hosts and events. I go into an event or show so excited because I know that our products are going to change somebody's life, either with our products or the opportunity! Sales and sponsoring I feel go hand in hand, if you get in front of enough people, both happen, you sell products and then you also have people wanting to join your team. I feel like if you have a contagious attitude you will attract both sales and people. Be a MAGnet!! Attract both!! Magnify your life!!--

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  2. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  3. Jessica Berger

  4. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  5. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  6. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  7. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  8. Andrea Kenney
    Associate Director

  9. Debi Agee
    2 Diamond Director

  10. Sue Kramer
    Associate Director


Nancy Bogart

Ah the smell of JE and a New Year!

If I could go back to Nancy Jan 2022 I would give her 5 pieces of advice she might be able to use this next year. 

It is a fun exercise you might like to do too with you and your family. 

So here goes the list I would tell myself if I could go back in time! 

1. It is going to be another ever-changing year, but girl you are good at this and you got this. 

2.  Stop holding your breath and laugh more.

3. Get outside and have some fun.  You are going to break your arm in Sept so have some active fun early and often! 

4. You will make some awesome faith leaps in the product line, they worked!

5. You will end the year still loving your JE life so make the next 365 full of love and gratitude 

Believe and Succeed


One Word to A Happy New Year!

Looking forward to a new year and a list of resolutions can be overwhelming. You write down everything you want to change, new habits you want to start, and big goals for the new year. Then, in a couple of weeks, you are overwhelmed, or you just stop trying to focus in so many directions.

Several years ago, Jon Gordon, author and motivational speaker, introduced the concept of One Word. It is simple. Choose one word that will be the focus of your life in the upcoming year. You choose a word - or in most cases it will choose you! - and apply it to the seven areas of your life. 

  • Career/Business

  • Financial

  • Spiritual

  • Health

  • Growth (Intellectual)

  • Family

  • Social/Relationships

A word can be as thought-provoking as PURPOSE or as simple as JOY.  When you have your word, apply it to each area of your life. How can you bring PURPOSE to your business? Or add JOY to your family life? Answer that question for each area and then live it!

A powerful way to represent your word is with a vision board. A picture is worth a 1000 words, and seeing your word and what it represents makes living it easier and more productive. 

Join me on Monday Night Live on January 9th for a hands-on demo for creating your One Word Vision Board. Here’s to your best year yet!

Pouring from Your Cup

Jenna Warford

Here’s a riddle with a great answer:

You’re standing off to the side of a room, engaged in a great conversation while sipping from a cup of coffee. (Preferably, from your Magnify mug! 😊) Someone comes up beside you, accidentally bumps your arm, and your coffee spills. 
The question is, why did you spill coffee?
Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo, doo, DO do do do do DO do! 
(That’s the Jeopardy™ music, if you were confused…)

The answer?
You spilled coffee because that is what was in your cup. 

So while the obvious question is, “What’s in my cup?” it’s VERY important to understand that our cups are filled either intentionally or unintentionally

Unintentional: everything from too many episodes of America’s Top Model (or the news) to negative people on social media to focusing on an inner monologue of “all the mistakes I’ve made since 3rd grade.”

 Decide what you want your cup to be filled with, and take action

I know that I want my cup to be filled with excellent leadership practices, purposeful love, wisdom, compassion, and direction toward peace. 

I intentionally fill my cup by:

  • Seeking insight from wise, successful business leaders 

  • Getting direction from thought leaders who understand areas I want to grow in 

  • Reading (and re-reading) books that help propel my understanding and ideas to bigger and better

  • Prayer


The first three I do via videos, audios, books, and personal conversations. 

Reflection on what I’ve heard/read/seen is perhaps one of the most important pieces. That’s where I connect the different ideas, thoughts and concepts and then integrate them into how I think, what I say and the way I live. 

Our cups will be filled with something and each of us gets to choose what our own will be filled with.

Take a minute and think about what you want your cup to be filled with. Jot down some ways to intentionally fill it, and ADD THOSE ACTIVITIES INTO YOUR CALENDAR. (Listen to TED TALK on creativity, every Tuesday at Noon. Read 1 page of a book every day before I leave my desk at 5:30. Pilates every Friday at 6 am. Etc…)
What will you fill your cup with?

Alex Bogart