December 2022 Jordan Times

3 Diamond Director

Thank you! Thank you! 3 Diamond!! WOW!

Judy Poland

I really can’t believe what the team and our customers did this past month! We set out strong and we just crushed a goal that we’ve had for a LONG time. We’ve had it at the top of our team page for about a YEAR! LOL I do believe that you need to write a goal and have it in front of you and it helps you get to where you want to go! Use goal sheets, keep them on your mirror in the bathroom when you are getting ready! Love on your people! Our team united and everybody jumped on board! Customers included! We all felt the love coming from across teams too, I appreciate the wisdom from the CEO circle, tech support from Tammy(the wisdom and love) and the support from Home Office(orders going OUT) for making it happen!

For our team-$1-199 thank you for your part, you have my heart! For my team that set goals that crushed it out of the park, those that burnt the midnight oil and stayed up until the final minutes, to the HUGE blessing that jumped on board and built in front of my eyes! God knew we all needed each other at that given minute! Thank you all for being such a HUGE blessing!!! JJTribe, you totally humble me, and keep me going! Thank you to all that were a part

Many Blessings!


Diamond Director

Becky Zurcher

My Jordan journey began 3 months ago when I was looking for loose mineral foundation and something with magnesium in it that wasn’t harsh and would help with night time foot and leg cramps. Off to the search engine I went looking for that foundation first, and up popped JE. Not only did they have the minerals, but I was blown away when I realized I had hit the motherlode of magnesium options also! Being the thrifty gal I am, I looked at the contents of the Starter Kits and decided the smartest way to test these products was to sign up. Now I needed my person, and my second search found Judy Poland, lucky me! I didn’t know anything about her but the bio on her site told me enough and I clicked that join button! I did not join JE to sell or build a business as I was already successfully growing with another company BUT God has other plans my friends. Six weeks after joining JE that company closed its doors unexpectedly. I was nicely snuggled into JE for personal product use but now the course had changed. As a newly budding team we are learning the ropes together and I am so blessed and proud of each of them for stepping into the opportunity JE has to offer. This is a group effort as we can only rise together. I am grateful for the support of my amazing upline, for a stellar corporate staff that is incredibly helpful and for the warm welcome from so many Jordie’s. The Joy of Jordan has entered my life and I couldn’t be happier.



Angela Russ

Hope DeGarmo

Associate Directors


Kathryn Collier

Theresa Lynn Jones

Connie Bizzell

Sue Kramer

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Amy Sterkenburg
JoDee McDermett
Rosalie Kern
Mechelle Ewing
Erica Crawley
Laura McClung
Vielca Sanchez

Star 1 Consultant

Diona Natividad


Top in Sponsoring

What an amazing month for not only myself but for the company’s growth too.

I wanted to seize the moment and offer people a $10 option in November to as many customer friends I could. I didn’t pre-judge, I didn’t say “what if” or “I can’t”. I knew there were people that would say yes and, “It’s the right time for me to try it.” I even had a few come to me before the $10 option because they knew they had to go for it.

It makes me happy when it’s the right time for them because I know they will share the love of JE with their whole heart 💜

I am honored to be a part of the company and have a FIERCE team that touches their business daily!


Jessica Berger

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Jessica Berger

  2. Michelle Ewing
    Star 3 Team Leader

  3. Angela Russ

  4. Renee Brown

  5. Judy Poland

    3 Diamond Director

  6. Clarissa Rhinehart
    Essential Consultant

  7. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  8. Teresa Villalobos

  9. Marlene Evans

  10. Megan Stockman

Top in Sales

Angela Russ

Hello! My name is Angela Russ and I live in Kentucky. I have three grown daughters, all of whom are also Independent Jordan Essential Consultants, and are on my team! I am known as THE MAGNESIUM MOM and have set my business up as such. I see such great opportunity and potential being a Jordie with Jordan Essentials!

I am on a mission to make a positive difference, to offer hope, to be a friend. I am forever grateful for this opportunity provided to me by Jordan Essentials - Nancy Bogart – founder and CEO, and my recruiter Becky Zurcher, but my business is being led by my Lord. I am only competing with myself. I do not need accolades for achievement, that just is not who I am. I want all of us to be successful in our business. I have many, many ideas for my business with Jordan Essentials. I, nor you, were put on this earth to play small. We are meant for greatness. We have a purpose – we are not in this business by accident.

As I float down this Jordan Essentials river while gathering new friends, new experiences, helping others and offering hope to someone who may truly need it…I will be cheering all of us on towards greatness, and towards our dreams and goals. This business is not about me. It is about whom I can affect positively, whom I can help, and being able to give hope to someone that needs it and/or needs the products. While I will be a cheerleader I will be floating along on my own time, doing my own version of this business and doing what I have been “called” to do.

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Angela Russ

  2. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  3. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  4. Jessica Berger

  5. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  6. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  7. Sue Kramer
    Associate Director

  8. Renee Brown

  9. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  10. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director


Nancy Bogart

It is the most wonderful time of the year! Or is it?

I know it can be so busy and I can feel it as I lead the home office, field, and my family. I had the opportunity to talk with our visiting software rep about our core values (she found them posted in the bathroom LOL).

They are our guiding light and when we use these wonderful principles every day can be a wonderful time of year!

November was another record-breaker month with up sales, a new 3 Diamond, and lots of trip earners.

That is a fun and exciting report and when we keep our core values in front of us and we are helping one family at a time, one lotion bar, one bottle of mag at a time it will be a beautiful holiday season in deed!

Believe and succeed


Setting Your Pace for 2023

Happy Holidays! I hope you are enjoying your 12 Days of Reindeer Games. These activities are the ones that will build your business this month and set great habits for the rest of the month and into the new year.

It isn’t too early to start looking forward. December is a month to build actions and habits. If you haven’t set your December goals yet, do it today! Look at your past month and your past best month. Think about where you want to be in December. Be realistic and also stretch yourself! 

Use December as your springboard to reaching higher in 2023. Look back over 2022 and ask yourself:

  1. What worked best for me in 2022?

  2. What didn’t work for me 2022?

  3. What can I do better in 2023?

With these key questions, write down your answers. There is something magical when the pen hits the paper! 

Next, sit down with your upline success coach or sponsor and make a plan of action for December and let it ring in your new year!

New to Jordan Essentials?
Ready to earn Christmas Cash?

Jenna Warford

This month will feature a special line up of Jump Into Jordan trainings designed to help you begin earning as quickly as possible!

In this one hour workshop,  you’ll discover the basics to this incredible business! (And best of all, it’s informative AND fun!) You;ll discover:

 • Ways to Earn 

 • Navigating the back office

• Achieving YOUR vision of success

This workshop is on an expanded schedule for December only; simply pick the one that fits your schedule best!! The link will be posted in our Facebook group, Jordan Essentials Consultant Community.

No registration is necessary; just click on the link to join at 7:30 PM CST.
Thursday 12/8
Tuesday 12/20

Stay tuned: in January there will be workshops on Booking gatherings,

Alex Bogart