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Angela Russ - Full Article

Hello! My name is Angela Russ and I live in Kentucky. I have three grown daughters, all of whom are also Independent Jordan Essential Consultants, and are on my team! I am known as THE MAGNESIUM MOM and have set my business up as such. I see such great opportunity and potential being a Jordie with Jordan Essentials!

Becky Zurcher introduced me to Jordan Essentials and is my recruiter. Long story, but it was Divine intervention that we connected, and we have become great friends over the years! Jordan Essentials, and Becky Zurcher, have been a God-send for me and at the perfect time in my life. My mother had a stroke December 23, 2021. After a successful surgery she was recovering and getting ready to go to a physical rehab facility. However, on December 27, 2021 - she had hemorrhagic stroke and died on December 29, 2021. She and I were nearly inseparable. We were best friends and when she died, I was holding her, and felt my heart being torn away from her. To say the least, I was more than devastated. We buried my mother on January 4, 2022, and a few short weeks later my dad, who had been healthy but did have CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) but had NO symptoms and was getting routine labs for four years, suddenly developed full blown CLL. He started IV infusions and meds for it. I nearly lost him. Within a week or so he had gone from healthy to literally needing nursing home level care. My daughters and I took care of him and were able to keep him home in his own house. The stress, grief and shock of my mother’s death affected him this way and her death and his physical and mental decline took a toll on my own health. I was having anxiety and panic attacks and my blood pressure was dropping too low. I had to be tested for Broken Heart Syndrome…thank goodness I didn’t have that! My girls and I were questioning if he and or I would be able to physically/mentally/emotionally come through all this. Btw, my grandmother had just died in October 2020 at 103 years and 4 months of age. Much grief for much time.

It was when I went to see my Cardiologist that I learned my health issues, and his, were all due to stress – an overload of stress! She said I needed to make changes and I knew that because I felt my body was starting to shut down. She said I needed to get away. So, I had her literally write on a prescription pad:

Name: Angela Russ

  1. One Year of Angela
  2. OK to move/go when & where you need to go

…and she signed it, just like an order, a prescription. That freed my mind so much, and I hopped on a plane and left for Florida for a week while my daughters looked after my dad.

Fast forward to August 29, 2022…EXACTLY 8 months since my mother had died…and how ironic that I joined Jordan Essentials that day. Fast forward again, to November, my birthday. I was in Florida because it would be the first time that I would not receive a birthday card, nor call, from my mother…and that is when I realized there would forever be new first times WITHOUT her…and I didn’t want to be in town. This is the day everything changed. EVERYTHING! I had been praying for direction in my life…for some way I could make a difference in life to others. I needed hope and to feel I mattered during this time. My girls were grown and living their best life and I felt empty inside without my mother.

It was my birthday when I felt in my soul that I had to make a choice…a real choice. WHOM will I serve…and I decided to stop being wishy-washy and to fully follow Christ and I gave HIM EVERYTHING.

Since then, life feels complete. I no longer have anxiety/panic as I used to. My health is better – HE restoreth my Soul. My dad is healthy, and I am still on my Year of Angela.

I know this is much to read but I tell you my background story because…sometimes we just need to step out in FAITH. We need to TRUST. My motto has been, “What I Seek is Seeking ME.” This is so true in this Jordan Essentials business we all are a part of. We are seeking people who NEED these products for whatever issue, and at the same time they are seeking us whether they know it or not! The Lord works in mysterious ways and when HIS plan comes together as HE wants it to…LOOK OUT!

I am on a mission to help others. This business IS my mission. The right people will show up who are “seeking” this business opportunity, these products, and will find a group of supportive, compassionate and loving Jordie’s. We will “show up” in the right places and will talk to the right people at the right time. These products have helped not only myself but my family and I am excited to be part of this team!

I am on a mission to make a positive difference, to offer hope, to be a friend. I am forever grateful for this opportunity provided to me by Jordan Essentials - Nancy Bogart – founder and CEO, and my recruiter Becky Zurcher, but my business is being led by my Lord. I am only competing with myself. I do not need accolades for achievement, that just is not who I am. I want all of us to be successful in our business. I have many, many ideas for my business with Jordan Essentials. I, nor you, were put on this earth to play small. We are meant for greatness. We have a purpose – we are not in this business by accident.

As I float down this Jordan Essentials river while gathering new friends, new experiences, helping others and offering hope to someone who may truly need it…I will be cheering all of us on towards greatness, and towards our dreams and goals. This business is not about me. It is about whom I can affect positively, whom I can help, and being able to give hope to someone that needs it and/or needs the products. While I will be a cheerleader I will be floating along on my own time, doing my own version of this business and doing what I have been “called” to do.

Back to the December 2022 Jordan Times