April 2023 Jordan Times

Diamond Director

Jessica Berger

Jessica Berger

I still can't believe I am a Diamond as I sit here writing this out. I’ve wanted it so bad for over a year (or longer lol).

I have been with the company a little over 2 years and thought, how am I not there yet? After many days and nights of talking about it to multiple people in my life and the company, looking at my plan I knew it would happen someday. 

But, I realized than I had to have all my stars alined and keep working on my bond with my Team. Digging deep into not only myself and my goals and dreams. I had to know theirs, keep leading by example and walking side by side with them as a mentor, friend and inspiring them. I knew in my heart it was more than just a business. We started our personal chat, left my team page to the info and updates. This wasn't JUST a paycheck but helping others with magnesium and non toxic products to help people stay and be healthier.  So, than I knew I had to transfer that into my team by being transparent with them and help build their business the way they wanted. 

We started to build our team connection even stronger. From Good Mornings to helping each other with questions, ideas into some crazy/fun personal stories. If you could be a fly on the wall. He He He. And it blossomed from there. They always believe in me and respect me without giving excuses without a solution to work with. Or we together work thru it. We all know our team goal, they feel strong about their personal business goals and we lean on each other in the highs and lows of business. They are NEVER alone with us because we ARE Fierce and Fabulous. 

Lastly, It's not all about me so this is for my team:

I am so proud of Michelle Wilson (New Director) and her open mindedness to herself and me. She believed in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when I told her it was there and hard to see sometimes. Congrats my sweet friend. 

And Team FnF......I am so grateful to you. Your amazing, talented, helpful and SO kind. Thank you for being their for ME in business and my personal life. Let's go be Sassquash our goals and dreams together.

Your Jordie Jess. 


Sasha Sweder


Christie Pratt

78 Days... What an amazing 78 Days. 79 days ago I had never heard of JE until talking to my friend Lauren and then we hopped on a phone call/zoom with Nancy. I had done direct sales for almost 5 years and never had I felt so at ease and the desire as quickly as I did to share not only products, but the company values and mission too. Fast forward 78 days and I'm leading a small team of incredible ladies and wouldn't change a thing. It's always about others for me and I never imagined being asked to write a bio... but, here it is. I've lived in Maine my entire life, married to my best friend and biggest fan Carlton for 27 years now and blessed to have him beside me every step of the way with my little soap and lotion gig and raising (gulp I guess raised would be the word now!) our two grown young men (Dustin, 27 and Dakota, 24). I can't lie, one of the big pulls 79 days ago besides continuing to work along side friends like Lauren and everything JE had already checked off the box that made me click that join button 1/12/23... Missouri, half my heart is there! My oldest moved there two years ago and I kinda feel like I'm tied to my KC kid again too! I am so thrilled to be here part of this community!



Michelle Wilson

This is so exciting! I’m married to my high school sweetheart, 30 years now, a mother to a beautiful daughter, and a Nana to 5 amazing grandchildren!
When I joined in October 2021 it was because of the products! I had been using them for about a year before I signed up. Not intending to sell let alone become a Director. I started really slow but my sales started to climb last summer. So I left my other company and put my focus solely on Jordan Essentials. I’m so grateful for my Director, Jessica Berger, and my team for pushing me forward. I feel that even though I’m working my tail off the products speak for themselves and my customers just keep coming back for more. I am so very grateful to be here and to be a part of this amazing company. I can’t wait to see what lies in store for me this



Tiwanna Dunn

Where to begin? It’s has been a whirlwind! I signed up the middle of January only looking for some products to be able to share with my massage clients. I hadn’t heard of Jordan Essentials or even actually tried any of the products. It was customer testimonials that drew me in!

     After receiving my kit and experiencing the magnesium goodness, I couldn’t keep it to myself. So I started sharing and talking to others about it. I would lather my clients up in it! I got the spring launch kit so that they could see all the new things and smell the new scents. And so really that is how I have come to be here, by sharing my love of these products with others while having fun doing it!

     Of course I’ve had a lot of help along the way. Like my Awesome, supportive Sponsor Delana Wood. You have set the bar high in leadership and coaching my friend. I have had so many wonderful coaching calls with Jenna. You both knew just what I needed. And Karen has been cheering me on all the way! And my team has rocked it!!! Thank you ladies!

    Now I have this amazing, awesome team doing the same thing, sharing their love of the magnesium goodness with others. And that is what we will  continue to do, having fun and growing even more!



Jennifer Storm

Associate Director

Vielca Sanchez

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Sarah Lancaster
Mandi Demers
Stasha Burton
Diana Alexander
Heather Prejean
Lorrie Randall

Star 1 Consultant

Michelle Manning
Loretta Perin
Dawn Lund
Diana Schneider
Carrie Ballou
Tiffany Biesboer
Riqui Hess
Jeani Stevens
Rebecca Vetos
Jennifer McCann


Top in Sponsoring

Diana Alexander

When I joined Jordan Essentials the last thing on my mind was building a team. I really wanted to do my own thing and share our wonderful products and help people ditch the toxins!

I'm constantly sharing our products whether it be in my VIP group, events, giving out samples and in person. I had people watching me and paying attention to what I shared! They decided to join me and become a Jordie! 

Consistency is key! You never know who is watching you so keep sharing your love for Jordan Essentials! 

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Diana Alexander
    Essential Consultant

  2. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  3. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  4. Tiwanna Dunn

  5. Sarah Brown


  6. Jennifer Storm
    Associate Director

  7. Angie Schmid
    3 Diamond Director

  8. Sasha Sweder
    Diamond Director

  9. Shannon Wade
    Star 3 Consultant

  10. Diane McGuire
    Associate Director

Top in Sales

Judy Poland

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  2. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  3. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  4. Jennifer Secure
    Star 1 Consultant

  5. Cindy Gustafson
    Star 1 Consultant

  6. Heather Romine
    Essential Consultant

  7. Andrea Kenney
    Associate Director

  8. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  9. Laura Gregory
    Essential Consultant

  10. Rhonda Hernandez
    Associate Director


Nancy Bogart

Tone and Firm your body, mind and spirit!

This month we are going to focus on balancing our love of Jordan Essentials products and doing good for our fellow women and men.

Toning up your body for swimsuit season is a no-brainer but toning up your mind to feel better in whatever size that suit is makes all the difference. 

So there I was a young Mom who had quit her job, had no friends and just started my stay-at-home journey with my little boy Alex.  He did not talk much at 6 months old so I knew I had to make some friends fast! 

I placed an ad in the local paper looking for people like me who wanted to come to my playgroup and hang out.  8 women and kids showed up the next week!  I knew I had to take care of my mind, find friends like me and take charge of the situation to be the best mom possible. 

Whatever stage you are in life you get to choose to create the things you wish existed like our April JJ box card says. 

Do you want more time, income, joy, and laughter in your life?  Begin to see it and make steps in that direction today! 

May you be showered with blessings this April,



It’s Gifting Season!

Marian Smith

Yes, many of us think of Christmas when we think of gifts, but spring is really the gifting season! 

Let’s count the ways!

  1. Easter - Yes, we gift with healthy and not so healthy goodies in baskets. 

  2. Mother’s Day - Show mom and the other women in your life gratitude for all they do for us. Check out the special Mother’s Day collection this year. 

  3. Birthdays - Celebrate springtime birthdays with healthy products for the upcoming summer months. Appreciation sets are versatile gifts for all occasions. 

  4. Weddings - Did you know May and June are in the top 5 months for weddings? Pampering products make great Bridal Shower gifts too!

  5. End of the School Year! Parents may not celebrate this one…but the kids, bus drivers, school workers, and teachers do! Lotion bars are quick, easy and practical gifts to give those who look after and teach our children.

  6. Appreciation Weeks - The past few years have shown us how much we need our essential works and how much they sacrifice for us. Show your appreciation with one of the Appreciation Sets. Tune in to Monday Night Live for more information on making this a special event to donate sets to nurses and teachers in your community.

  7. Last, but not least, it isn’t too soon to think about the dads! Father’s Day is just around the corner and the guys in our life could use some pampering too! And for those more active dads…Helio and Skin Relief are much needed and appreciated gifts.

With spring flowers blooming, think about how you can help brighten someone’s day with a healthy gift from Jordan Essentials.

5 Steps to Being More Confident

Jenna Warford

Confidence may (or may not) be the secret ingredient that helps you achieve all you’re dreaming of, but one thing is for sure: it will help you enjoy life and the journey to accomplishment a little more. 

So how do you increase your confidence?

  1. Recognize that everyone has inherent value. This value isn’t earned; it comes with being human. This value doesn’t rely on accomplishment, education, net worth, talent or “who you know.” Each and every person has value as a unique creation. This means YOU have value before you accomplish or achieve a single thing. Allow knowledge of your value to let your confidence grow. 

  2. Know that everyone has something to offer the world and again, that means you do, too. It may be a talent, a gift, a word of wisdom, a genuine welcome, authentic kindness, an idea or a creation. Allow your understanding that you are sharing something with the world to build confidence in you. And whatever it is, by sharing it with others, you have made an impact. Not everyone will recognize the impact--- and some may not even recognize the value—but unless it’s your gift to help everyone be wise, then you’ve done your part by sharing what you have to offer. (And remember, it’s never your gift to help *everyone.*)

  3. Speak the truth out loud. When you have thoughts that question or belittle your value and your contribution, contradict those thoughts out loud. For example, if you have the thought that, “UGH! What a dumb mistake! I’m so stupid!” remind yourself (out loud) that no one—NO ONE—gets everything right all the time, no matter what their “highlight reel” on social media looks like. And remember that as long as you learn from a mistake, it was a valuable lesson; even if it had far-reaching impact, as mistakes sometimes do. Leadership expert John Maxwell said it best: Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn

  4. Spend time with those who recognize your value. I’m not just talking about loved ones, I’m also referring to thought leaders who have created content (videos, podcasts, books, even social media posts) that reminds you of your value. Both those who know you personally and those you don’t-- but who provide perspective on inherent value-- can have an impact on growing your confidence. 

  5. Keep encouraging reminders handy. Sometimes it helps to have visual reminders that you offer the world something valuable. So when you get a note or email that thanks you for your effort, save it! When you get a compliment, jot it down or screen shot it. Make a list of those things you offer the world (it’s perfectly fine to ask someone to help you create that list!) When you’re struggling, take a quick look at these to help remind yourself of your impact. 

As you practice these 5 things your confidence will grow, and become a steady part of who you are. 

Alex Bogart