September 2022 Jordan Times


Tiffany Waldrop

Hi, my name is Tiffany Waldrop, and I am from the great state of Virginia. I am also a seventh grade language arts school teacher.

I joined right before JordanVention in July. I thought what perfect timing! I immediately joined in virtually, and I was inspired to start working my business and growing my team. My goal was to hit every incentive on my Jump Start. Having incentives really keeps me motivated to hit my goals, so that’s what I focused on.

I love when my team members ask me questions because it helps me learn right alongside them. They have been amazing and have helped me grow as a leader since I have joined JE.

My next goal is to earn the rewards trip. I am SO close!!

My advice to new Jordies would be to work your business from day one!! Share with everyone, and don’t give up!!


Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Gimel Cislo
Julia Doud
Jennifer Heasley

Star 2 Consultant

Jacquelyn Weidow

Star 1 Consultant

Beth Flath
Tabitha Anglin
Crystal Burch
Janel Pleasant
Brandi Iverson
Dawn Hayman
Laura McClung
Rebecca Hockensmith
Dawn Johannsen


Top in Sponsoring

I was attracted to the company because of the use of magnesium in the products and essential oils. I have fibromyalgia and have been told magnesium can help with pain management. Plus I love natural products for myself and my family. So I couldn't resist that half price kit to try everything out! I decided I would host my own party to earn some freebies but couldn't hold back from sharing how great the kit was with all the goodies that come in it! I think most of my friends that wanted to order saw that same value and grabbed the kit too. I was excited about sharing the great deal, and I followed up with each person in my party letting them know I appreciated them for attending online, and that I was there to help with whatever they needed.

Gimel Cislo
Star 3 Team Leader

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Gimel Cislo
    Star 3 Team Leader

  2. Amy Weimer
    Essential Consultant

  3. Denise Huffman

  4. Brenda Morrison Bowser
    Diamond Director

  5. Judy Poland

    2 Diamond Director

  6. Tiffany Waldrop

  7. Jacquelyn Weidow
    Star 2 Consultant

  8. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  9. Teresa Villalobos

  10. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

Top in Sales

Jessica Berger

Keep stepping out of your comfort zone, keep sharing and showing your passion with others then they will love you trust you and believe in what you’re offering to them. Educating my customer friends on healthy and purposeful products is very rewarding in my heart and earns me wonderful income.

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Jessica Berger

  2. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  3. Judy Poland
    2 Diamond Director

  4. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  5. Sharon Vaughan

  6. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  7. Kimber Stewart
    2 Diamond Director

  8. Teresa Villalobos

  9. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  10. Chelsea Wallner


Nancy Bogart


August was my birthday month and even though I love gifts I love opportunities even more.
It kind of drives me crazy when I miss an opportunity, how about you?

The TicTac Tumbler is full of opportunities not just for the swag you can earn, it's for the opportunities sewn into each square.

Have the mindset that each square is going to move you forward into the space you want to be in for yourself, your family and your business.

When hosting a party get pretty excited about what you have to offer your host.
When sharing a product or doing a live, it comes from that place deep down inside knowing that you have something amazing to offer.
And when you give that information it really is a gift!

Have an awesome opportunity filled September

Marian Smith
Director of Sales & Communications

Fall Shows Us Change is Colorful and Good!

I just got back from a 10-day vacation and feel like I have been gone for weeks! For many, September brings big changes – back to school, new schedules, new goals and new projects.  It is the perfect time to step back, refocus and reset (or set) priorities.

For your business, this is especially important to do before the busy holiday season. Having goals and priorities in place will make your success much easier as the season becomes busier and busier.

Where do you start? 

If your summer fell short, no worries. Don’t look back! Look forward to all that September has to offer in terms of training, support and sales! Check out the Jump into Jordan training to give yourself a fresh perspective. No matter how long you have been a Jordie, this is the perfect first step to fall success.

If your summer was good…build on it! Write down the things that worked and keep doing them. Write down the things that didn’t work and evaluate them. Can you make a few changes to make those actions successful? If not, let them go and replace them with new actions! Lean into the Tic Tac Tumble incentive this month to create new actions – Income Producing Actions – to build healthy business habits.

If your summer was great…keep it up! Focus on what is working and make small changes to make things even better. Set realistic goals and stretch goals. A stretch goal should make you a little uncomfortable, but it will also grow your business. 

No matter where you are, partner with your sponsor and upline Success Coach (Director) to set your goals and plan of action to achieve them.

Have a wonderful fall!

Jenna Warford

1 Hour Workshop + Bigger Dreams

I’m so excited that Jump into Jordan is making it onto calendars of

  • Newbies

  • Seasoned veterans

  • Directors

Why? Because this brief 1 hour workshop includes information on our best ROI; up-to-date, effective, what-to-say verbiage; and steps on creating growth for your JE business.

But my favorite reason happened to be mentioned by veteran Jordie Becky Hundley. She said that it built her confidence in taking action on business-growing activities she’d been hesitant about before this!

And it brings me to an important point:

If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough!

So that’s my challenge to you today.

Think about the dream you have for your JE business. Whether it’s related to income, your personal life mission, a family goal you have or an impact you want to make, IS YOUR DREAM BIG ENOUGH TO SCARE YOU? Does it may you go, “Whoa. I don’t know if I’m going to actually be able to achieve that!”

If it does, you’re on the right track!

What else is on that track?

  1. Mapping out how to get there

  2. Taking Action to actually get there

  3. Considering which actions were effective

In other words: PLAN, DO, REVIEW.

And if you’re looking for more confidence, better ROI, business-growing steps, and effective verbiage, sign up for Jump Into Jordan! Register here:

Alex Bogart