August 2022 Jordan Times

3 diamond Director

Angie Schmid
3 Diamond Director

WOW!! What a ride the following 18 months have been for our team!! Jordan Essentials definitely feels like home to all of us.

Hey y’all - I’m Angie Schmid and I reside in Ballwin MO (about 20 minutes west of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis) with my hubby, George. We have two adult children, 5 grandkids (ages 26-6) and a 3 1/2 year old great grandson. Life is full of blessings for sure. We love to spend time with family, travel and spoil our 14 year old Shih tzu, Abbi. She rules the house but somehow doesn’t pay a single bill!! My happy place is in the yard playing with flowers and plants or just relaxing on your patio. Hubby and I are also avid St. Louis Cardinals fan!!

I started my Jordan Essentials journey in January of 2021 but have been familiar with the company for many years. As many of you, I fell in the love with the products from the beginning. From day one - the welcome “at home” feeling has been immeasurable. The culture of abundance is something you will NOT find anywhere else!! I am blessed with a team of leaders and people who inspire me daily for so many reasons, an upline (Delana Wood) who is my partner on this journey and fellow leaders who cheer, empower, and show respect always!!

My best advise is to make a plan, work your plan and BELIEVE!!! We are thrilled to be your newest 3 Diamond Director team!


Associate Director

Manuela Gohn
Associate Director

My name is Manuela Gohn, I am from Germany, and I have been with JE for a little more than 2 years. Not until I went to Jordanvention for the first time last year did I take my business serious. Seeing all the Ladies walking the stage made me determined that I can do this! After walking the stage this year at JV as a Star 3 leader, I decided to take it a step further. When in the past I thought, “No way I can do this!“, this time my decision was, “I will make it!”. Judy, my director has been a great example to me, and I will do my best to move up. I am not a sales person at all, but I love the products, and this can be contagious!

Teamwork is important, but more than that, I need the Lord’s help day by day. With Him, all things are possible.


Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Tiffany Waldrop
Tracy Ernst
Bonnie Burgamy
Stacy Hadden
Amy Hallett
Laura Knibbe
Connie Bizzell
Theresa Lynn Jones
Cassie Smith
Ida Giglio
Beth Borecky
Catherine James

Star 1 Consultant

Amy Henderson
Kristi Wilkerson
Angela Hunt
Mable Ramos
Sara Gauthier
Paula Scheftic
Patti Sorrels
Marcia Beams


Top in Sales & Sponsoring

Judy Poland
2 Diamond Director

I have just been very blessed by my amazing customers, hosts and vendor events that I have been doing this month and last. Kinda like a snowball that is picking up momentum. I go into an event or show so excited because I know that our products are going to change somebody's life, either with our products or the opportunity! Sales and sponsoring I feel go hand in hand, if you get in front of enough people, both happen, you sell products and then you also have people wanting to join your team. I feel like if you have a contagious attitude you will attract both sales and people. Be a MAGnet!! Attract both!! Magnify your life!!

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Judy Poland
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  3. Tiffany Waldrop
    Essential Consultant

  4. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  5. Karen Simpson

    4 Diamond Director

  6. Natasha Ramos
    Essential Consultant

  7. Jessica Berger

  8. Kristi Wilkerson
    Essential Consultant

  9. Amy Henderson
    Essential Consultant

  10. Angie Schmid
    3 Diamond Director

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Judy Poland
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  3. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  4. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  5. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Margaret Lohry
    Star 2 Consultant

  7. Sue Kramer
    Essential Consultant

  8. Jessia Berger

  9. Kimber Stewart
    2 Diamond Director

  10. Karen Hartlaub


Nancy Bogart

Report from the desk of the President.

I have different roles in my life and this month I want to address you as the president of Jordan Essentials. We find ourselves in interesting times as a country enduring current and impending economic difficulties. We also find ourselves being a resource and a safe haven for people to come to make the income that they need and get the products they need. We made the decision with the new catalog to become revolutionary and at the same time keep our prices down. You, The Jordan Nation, showed up and powered up with our largest sales month in company history in July 2022!

It's slowed down our shipping and production a bit, but remember, all we have to do is make more. Our Home Office team was excited to have a little bit of overtime and they were proud to fill those orders. We look forward to the holiday season knowing that you have the have the empowerment and the passion to drive this company to the next level as we link arms to Magnify America.

Our strategy and secret sauce is in the party. Planning a party a week virtually and simply executed with the new catalog, adding in some home party and vendor events into the nooks and crannies of your busy life can help your family and so many more with the solutions that we have tucked inside the pages of the 2022 catalog.

I believe this so deeply I bet everything on it. I'm a president that after 22 years knows that people matter most, and when we take care of our people everything else falls into line.

I'm excited to see what this next convention year unfolds as we continue to break records and serve people.

Thank you so much for being the Jordan nation and allowing me to serve you.   Now let’s keep making history!


Marian Smith
Director of Sales & Communications

Falling in Love with JE….again!

I, like many of you, have used Jordan Essentials’ products for many years. I used them before I was part of the home office staff. It was the commitment to healthy products, products that didn’t contain all the toxics but supported my wellness that I loved. Sometimes we fall into taking things we love for granted.

The launch of the new magnified products has me falling in love with Jordan Essentials products all over again! Now not only are they good for our skin….they are good for our whole well-being too!

Magnesium is a miracle mineral. Our bodies need it…..they crave it! It keeps us firing on all cylinders – mentally, physically and emotionally. For me, Magnesium is the solution before we have the problem.

The past couple of years I have washed my hands more times than I care to count…and used hand & body lotion mutlitple times day. Now, with the new Magnesium-boosted Hand & Body Lotion, not only am I protecting my skin and nourishing it, I am nourishing my body with Magnesium.

Magnesium plays a role in over 600 functions in our body…from sleep to muscle performance to mental clarity…Magnesium plays an important role.

Think of your body like a car. Without maintence, fuel, oil, the right care, you do not get the best milage. You get the thumps, bumps and weird noises! Our bodies are the same. Without the minerals we need, we get the thumps, bumps and weird noises.

As you explore the new products of a magnified JE, think about not only how they are providing solutions, fall in love with how they are maintaining your wellness and well-being. 

Beth Reeves
Director of Business Development

WOW...this past month has certainly been a whirlwind, to say the least since joining the Jordan Essentials team. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me back up to the beginning.

Hi Y'all! I'm Beth Reeves and I'm the new Director of Business Development. Yes...I do say Y'all, quite a lot actually. My home is in the beautiful state of Alabama, where I live on Lake Harding with my husband, Brett, and two kids Janie and Jack. Janie is beginning her Senior Year this month and Jack just turned 11. I have 3 dogs, a cat, and like Nancy...a pet pig named Dolly. Can you believe that?

My entire adult career, since graduating college actually, has been spent on the corporate side of direct sales. To say that I LOVE this industry is an understatement. It's all I truly know! The people are the most genuine, the products are the best, and the fun we get to have is like no other.

So, how did I get to Jordan Essentials? By the pure grace of God and the amazing things, he had in store for me. I met Nancy about 10 years ago while in my previous role. Throughout the years, we connected through the DSA Women's Leadership Retreats sharing ideas on the best practices in our industry. We even spent a week together in Ireland where we danced an Irish Jig together. I think that's when our bond actually happened!

Things were changing with my previous company which lead me to reach out to the Women's Leadership group. Without hesitation, Nancy picked up the phone and called. The next thing I knew I was on a plane to Missouri where I spent 48 hours talking with Nancy about this new vision and brand identity for JE she had been working on for months. It was beautiful!!! And the message was so clear. I simply could not stop thinking about the amazing things that could be done with the things that she worked so hard to produce.

You see, I have a background in brand marketing specifically on digital platforms, like social media. Social Media allows us to spread our brand far and wide without the actual dollars it takes to it in regular advertising. And it doesn't have to be a mystery. Anyone can do it! It just takes time and developing good content. That's why I'm here, to help you learn that and also develop the entire brand through digital platforms.

So back to the whirlwind. One week after accepting the position, I was back on a plane headed to St. Louis for Jordanvention. It was an AWESOME weekend. I am so thankful to all of you for the warm welcome. I'm also excited about what we are going to be able to do together as we work to share the brand of Jordan Essentials.

The first order of business is putting tools in your hands that will make staying on brand easier! I also want to take the mystery out of social media content and give you easy and practical ideas to share every day.

Second, I am going to heavily focus on creating a better customer shopping experience online. Enabling our consumers to make quick, easy, and informed buying decisions is a priority and is something that will elevate the business at all levels.

I want you all to know how glad I am to be here and how excited I am to work along side of you to make Jordan Essentials a household name.

Alex Bogart