October 2022 Jordan Times

Diamond Director

Allison Cook
Diamond Director

My name is Allison Cook and I am from Minnesota living in New Richmond, Wisconsin. I started with Jordan Essentials back in January of 2021. My twin girls had very sensitive skin and a bad case of eczema. We went to 2 dermatologists and 2 pediatricians, literally tried every prescription and over the counter cream and nothing was helping them. A friend suggested Skin Relief by a company I never heard of-Jordan Essentials, I figured why not try one more cream and see what happens. Placed my order and within 3 days of getting Skin Relief my girls skin started clearing up! Finally my babies had healthy soft skin, they were not scratching until they bled and the best part they love their cream! We know it won’t cure them of eczema but it has stopped eczema breakouts for almost 2 years! I joined within 2 weeks of seeing the huge difference this company made for my girls and I wanted to spread our amazing results.

I credit my promotion to Diamond Director to my amazing awesome team and my more amazing up line!

I started doing Online Vendor Events along with In Person Events and that is when my business really took off! I am so proud of my team for working together and making this happen I wouldn't be here without them, my amazing customers, and the support of my amazing upline! I am so excited to see what the future holds for me and my team and I can't wait to share my love of Jordan Essentials with everyone I meet.


Renee Brown

Hey everyone, my name is Renee Brown and I am from Amity, Arkansas. I started with Jordan Essentials back in April of 2021. I had major back pain and was completely amazing at how well the Magnesium Lotion worked that I signed up about 2 hours after trying it. When I started I was also working at a spa so I couldn't give it 100%, so I decide to quit my job and solely focus on my JE Business.

Since I had quit the spa things have been so much better with my business. I have found new Jordie's that are extremely motivated and ready to work their business just like me! I am still in shock as I am writing this that I am actually a Director, all of my hard work has finally paid off.

I started doing Online Vendor Events along with In Person Events and that is when my business really took off! I had 4 Jordie's sign up back to back and they hit the floor running. Within a month I promoted twice and I earned the trip to Punta Cana! It all happened so fast. Again still in shock. Things like this don't happen to people like me in our area this is crazy awesome! I am so proud of my team for working together and making this happen I wouldn't be here without them, my amazing customers, and the support of my amazing upline! I am so excited to see what the future holds for me and my team and I can't wait to share my love of Jordan Essentials with everyone I meet.

Renee Brown


Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Courtney Meiu
Billie Jean Miles
Michelle Wilson
Paula Scheftic
Julie Crow
Debbie Hill
Joyce Hoskins

Star 1 Consultant

Becky Zurcher
Krista Thompson
Sue Kramer
Jo Anne Richardson
Gail Starr


Top in Sponsoring

I couldn't be happier that I was introduced to Jordan Essentials and the Magnesium Lotion. I have suffered since I was 18 with major back pain to the point of tears at times. An old friend of mine brought it to me at work to try and I fell in love with the product. I literally signed up within two hours of trying it, because for the first time in 17 year I was no longer in pain.

When I first started I knew I wanted to share this Magic Lotion with everyone I knew because I wanted them to feel the same relief I did. I have a total of 9 wonderful ladies under me and they all said that my love of the products showed and they wanted to help others as well. That is my mission is to help share my love of Jordan Essentials with everyone I know or even don't know.

Renee Brown

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Renee Brown

  2. Andrea Kenney
    Associate Director

  3. Teresa Villalobos

  4. Jessica Berger

  5. Dori Mekelburg

    Diamond Director

  6. Debi Agee
    2 Diamond Director

  7. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  8. Michelle Meek

  9. Margaret Patterson
    Star 1 Consultant

  10. Cindy Schmidt
    Associate Director

Top in Sales

Jessica Berger

Keep stepping out of your comfort zone do that LIVE, keep sharing with everyone yes even at your daughter's softball game or diving events and show your passion with others then they will love you trust you and believe in what you’re offering to them. Educating my customer friends on healthy and purposeful products is very rewarding in my heart and earns me wonderful income. Try everything once, the second time is easier.

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Jessica Berger

  2. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  3. Dori Mekelburg
    Diamond Director

  4. Pam Meddaugh

  5. Renee Brown

  6. Debi Agee
    2 Diamond Director

  7. Andrea Kenney
    Associate Director

  8. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  9. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  10. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director


Nancy Bogart

It’s Time to Gather

Welcome holiday season! I love this time of year because it's truly the season of gathering. This month seems to be the time that we begin to celebrate in all my favorite ways: hearts turning toward generosity, friends leaning in more closely and a spirit of reflection that seems to make us all a little more aware of gratitude for what we’ve been given.

And it’s always a time of year when I’m extra grateful we’re a party plan company. Gathering with friends in their homes simply reflects warmth of the season. That’s one reason I’m delighted to offer the Host Party Box. It’s that little “extra” for the people who enter whole-heartedly into the spirit of gathering with friends for fun and making memories.

This makes Jordan Essentials the perfect company for those who love to create memorable experiences, help others and gather for fun! We do so much for people as we help them with healthy skin care: we offer friendship, fun, flexibility and a unique opportunity to earn income as they gather to share.

We’re looking forward to a great holiday season together as a family here at Jordan. We’re thrilled you’re a part of us!


Give Customers the Easy Button

Jenna Warford

It’s amazing to be able to text our customers a link to our entire catalog! But if you’ve noticed you’re not getting orders from sending the link with a message of “Is there anything you need?” then you might want to give them the “Easy Button.”

An easy button message shares your favorite product for the month, and gives a link to that product’s page on your website. (Simply go to your website, DO NOT SIGN IN, then click on SHOP and find the product. Next, copy the URL in the website address at the top of the page.

Send a message that says something like:


My favorite JE product this month is the Black Raspberry Vanilla Deoderant. It’s aluminum-free (safe!), the scent is great and it works so well! Here’s a link so you can check it out: LINK TO YOUR SITE’S PRODUCT PAGE.

Alex Bogart