June 2022 Jordan Times

Star Promotions

Star 1 Consultant

Beth Robbins
Rebecca Janes
Frank Miller


Top in Sponsoring

Judy Poland
2 Diamond Director

Great time to be a Jordie! Do you believe it? Covid is different I’m sure in each of our areas still, but I’ve been able to get out and see PEOPLE! Lol That is what it took for me to start sponsoring again. I had a couple months where things were just hard. I’m sure we all have been there.

The more you can get in front of PEOPLE the more chances you have of somebody wanting to join your tribe. Remember to have FUN, to love on people, take the no’s in stride, behind every few No’s there is a YES hiding. You got this! And KNOW, THIS IS A GREAT TIME TO BE A JORDIE! (Mindset)

Let’s grow with our $10 kit this month together!! Who will be Top in Sponsoring for June?

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Judy Poland
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Jessica Berger

  3. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  4. Chelsea Wallner

  5. Theresa Lynn Jones
    Star 1 Consultant

  6. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  7. Teresa Villalobos

  8. Kimber Stewart
    2 Diamond Director

  9. Heather Gill
    Star 3 Team Leader

  10. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

Top in Sales

Gloria Brice
2 Diamond Director

We are so blessed to have so many products that impact lives. I consider it a privilege to share them. When we keep the emphasis on what we can do for others and commit to the process of building strong relationships and meeting needs, the rest takes care of itself. We have some amazing specials in June. Let’s care enough to share.

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Jessica Berger

  3. Jamie Budiac

  4. Teresa Villalobos

  5. Judy Poland
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Andrea Kenney

  7. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  8. Georgianne Sly
    Star 2 Consultant

  9. Lisa Cerrone-Allsup
    Star 2 Consultant

  10. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director


Jump Start Spa Bar Tote Earners

Susan Roberts
Jenny Roman
Rebecca Janes
Kristin Wessell
Stacy Hadden
Patricia Ramsey
Bonnie Burgamy
Jennifer Castro
Jennifer Sevy
Noah Rosado


Nancy Bogart

Did you hear the big news?
We launched the trip June 1st.  I felt like we all needed a little hope and a little help right now.

One of the things we are called to do is to make a difference and we are able to support our unique way to doing business with all the benefits of paid vacations, fun, flexibility, and sharing fantastic products while we make money.

I hope you will make this summer sizzle and work on your trip while you work on your families summer magic memories

See you at Jordanvention July 22/23, 2022!


Marian Smith
Director of Sales & Communications

Are You Really Connecting?

Do you feel like you have strong connections and relationships with your family, friends, team members, and customers?

Most of us do. But, many of us have a false sense of connection!

Try this…pick a few people from your friends list, team members or contacts that you feel you have a relationship with or are connected to. Now check the last time you really talked to them on a personal level.

Be honest with yourself. Have you had that conversation with a friend, host or past customer or have you been scrolling by their life?

It might be surprising. We get a false sense of connection in part because of social media. Using Facebook as an example, we see posts each day. Scroll by images, maybe like or love a post and on a slow day we might even take the time to comment. They do the same - they scroll, like and maybe comment. We feel connected to them.

Then, we invite them to a party or to a VIP group or to a community class. They don’t respond. We feel ghosted!

Truth is - we are not connected! We are ships that pass in the night…or scroll by a social media page!

Real connection is a two way street. It involves conversation. It takes listening. It takes patience. It takes time. It is personal.

For the month of June, my challenge to you is to make real connections. Take a genuine and authentic interest in friends, family team members and customers. Send a personal message to see how they doing. Mail a card or send a quick note. Better yet, pick up the phone and give them a call!

You might just be surprised how real connection feels!

Wow, one month in and we feel like we've learned so much about the company, culture and products already! Thank you for giving us such a warm welcome into the Jordie community! We hope you've been enjoying the Lunch & Learns on Friday and continue to tune in as we share more. This month we focused more on areas of social that you can expand your reach and this month is all about Sponsoring! Alisa started our first in this series this Friday so take a moment to go back and watch that.  
We got a chance to connect with many of the Directors over these past few weeks as we dove into coaching and the love and community here is apparent. We've enjoyed joining in on some of your groups, parties and watching your amazing Lives! There is so much to look forward to in June and we're excited to be a part of it. 
Much love from your coaching team,

Alisa and Heidi

Alex Bogart