March 2024 Jordan Times

Associate Directors

Jeani Stevens

Claudia Phillip

Star 3 Team Leader

Danielle Papapa
Michelle Tooley-Stevens
Stacy Hicks
Candace Senese

Star 1 Consultant

Gina Duncan

Top in Sponsoring

Judy Poland
3 Diamond Director

It all started with me buying one product (The Peppermint Magnesium Lotion) trying it, loving it, sharing it… My first bottle actually went to three houses.. it helped a friend with migraines, then another get out of bed after hurting her back, then it helped my step dad sleep at night after breaking his hip, leg and both feet in an accident- he hadn’t slept through the night in 8 months. When you find something that works, you naturally want to share it. That is when I signed up to share this lotion with EVERYBODY. Through my excitement and the simple fact that these products work, people want to share them with their family and friends. 

I started using the products from my kit, had a launch party, ended up with more products to try- until I was finally head to toe using JE! Be a Product of the Product, build your own testimonies, share because you care and want to help others. It’s not about money (I am a numbers girl) but it’s about the people you help, then the money and the team naturally start to come.. Concentrate on the benefits of the products. Be authentic with your customers to build the relationship. I have had my amazing customers jump on board, one person at a time! One product at a time! Now we have over 300 Jordies in The JJTribe. These people have blessed me WAY MORE than I could have ever imagined. We are a family! 

I love sponsoring, I love seeing others sponsor, and to think.. it all started with one bottle of magnesium lotion. Keep sharing and they will come!

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  2. Terri Berry
    Associate Director

  3. Teresa Villalobos

  4. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  5. Lauren Rush
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Gloria Brice
    Diamond Director

  7. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  8. Angie Schmid
    3 Diamond Director

  9. Jeani Stevens
    Associate Director

  10. Michelle Tooley-Stevens
    Star 3 Team Leader

Top in Sales

Gloria Brice
Diamond Director

Our birthday month yielded new products, opportunities, incentives and impactful specials. Helping people get what they want and showing appreciation is a universal truth that helps us get what we want. Thus, caring enough to share proved to be mutually fruitful for me and some of my customers. Good consistency habits and taking advantage of opportunities combine to insure a healthy business that is not dependent upon what is “trending” at the time. 

These are four habits that I consistently practice monthly:

  1. Set up Vision Board (roadmap) and set goals outside of my comfort zone. 

  2. Do an average of eight people care contacts a day (almost always starting with a good deed) an average of 5 days a week (some non-JE and some repeats).

  3. Set up a personal show.

  4. Start strong at the beginning of the month.

Though I work my business in a variety of ways, my consistency habits, combined with grace and favor, are the foundation for sustained productivity. The Race to the River incentive is perfect tool for building consistency. Lets each choose a level and go for it! 

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Gloria Brice
    Diamond Director

  2. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  3. Sue Kramer

  4. Jessica Berger
    Diamond Director

  5. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Andrea Kenney
    Diamond Director

  7. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  8. Angie Schmid
    3 Diamond Director

  9. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  10. Nicole Johnson
    Star 1 Team Leader


Nancy Bogart

Has spring sprung?

Everything in nature has a cycle and the circle of life. I just did a Community Class on Adversity and Stress Management (check below!).

You might be in a season of stress or a season of bliss, either way, Jordan Essentials can be there for you as it has for me.

I started the company as a young mom with a need for income, and it filled those needs and so many more, like the friends I have made along the way and adventures I have taken.

We are headed out on our annual incentive trip in a few short months to new adventures!

I wanted to share a few quick notes from the training I did for you to reflect on this changing of a month and season and hope you find some inspiration.

1. Mindset - let's make our minds mind and wake up ready to take on the world.

Check out 'Miracle Morning' by Hal Elrod. A quick book with 5 steps that could change your morning and your life!

2. What we tell ourselves we believe. Self-talk is real talk. Find the courage to talk to yourself like you are talking to your best friend who needs encouragement.

3. If you need professional help, get it. I share the story of my clinical depression when I was 22 years old. If you need a Dr, get one, and tell them I sent you!

4. Make a self-care routine with Copa-Calm. Are you using this amazing alternative to CBD yet? Non habit-forming, less expensive, natural source from South America taking Jordan Essentials by storm!

We always want our Jordies to be a product of the products and to be your own best customer, but now more than ever we want you to experience Copa-Calm and live your best life! Soak, spray, and lotion all work wonders.

5. Do a facial and spa yourself silly to create happy pampering endorphins in your life. Run a tub of Copa-Calm Dead Sea Salts, throw on a set of CPR eye gels, and a Mojito Mask, and soak out the stress. Follow up with some exfoliation, serums, and Calm Balm for a smooth happy face. Spritz your sheets and sleep mag stick your feet and climb in for those restorative ZZZs.

It is time to take control of the stress and live our best lives. Once you do, you can share that with others and build your business with love and compassion which at the end also reduces stress and increases joy!

Happy Healthy Love and Self Care Spring to All!


Strive for Harmony in a Busy Life

Marian Smith

In juggling our JE business and personal lives, striking a happy balance is like finding a secret recipe that works just for you. It’s about mixing the right ingredients—work, family time, hobbies, and self-care—so that you feel fulfilled at your business without missing out on the joys of life outside it.

Think of work-life balance as harmony. It creates a cozy space where your business and personal lives can coexist without stepping on each other’s toes. It’s about drawing lines that help you enjoy the best of all worlds. Sometimes, business might need more attention, and at other times, your personal life takes center stage. The magic lies in finding that sweet spot where all aspects of your life feel balanced over time.

Getting there means getting to know yourself: figuring out what matters most to you and letting those priorities guide your daily choices. Maybe it’s carving out uninterrupted family dinners or ensuring you have time for that yoga class that refreshes and energizes you. It’s important to schedule time for business, family fun, and relaxation too.

Being flexible is key. Gone are the days when everyone sticks to a strict 9-to-5 schedule. Now, we can mold our workdays to fit our personal needs. This flexibility allows us to work when we’re most productive and take care of personal stuff when needed without missing a beat.

Technology is a bit of a double-edged sword. It connects us and gives us the freedom to work from anywhere, but it can also make it hard to unplug. Setting boundaries, like having tech-free times or zones at home, can help keep work from overflowing into your personal time.

And let’s not forget about taking care of ourselves. Regular exercise, indulging in hobbies, and just taking time to relax aren’t just nice-to-haves; they’re essential for recharging your batteries and keeping you feeling your best, both at work and at home.

In a nutshell, finding your work-life harmony is an ever-changing, delightful dance. With a little bit of planning, flexibility, and a commitment to what makes you happy, you can create a balanced life, fulfilling and uniquely yours.

Alex Bogart