February 2024 Jordan Times

Director Promotion

Lisa Mills

Who knew joining at the end of Nancy’s birthday celebration kit offer in August 2023 that I’d be having my own celebration 5 months later as a new Director! But God! He knew and He has blessed me with incredible mentors, Jessica Shelton and Judy Poland and the most amazing team and wonderful customers!

I believe in these products and this company so much and am excited to see what 2024 holds.

 My husband and I live in Moyock NC. We will be celebrating 34 years of marriage in May. We have 2 beautiful daughters and 8 precious grandchildren with 1 on the way! I love to travel and enjoy going to different restaurants and coffee shops and of course shopping! Thank you Nancy for starting this company 24 years ago and giving us an incredible opportunity to bless others with these products and this opportunity.

 Thank you,


Director Promotion

Jessica Shelton

Star Promotions

Star 1 Consultant

Pennie Bashus
Vanesa Brown
Samantha Marchenkuski
Claudia Phillip


Top in Sponsoring

Andrea Scott
Essential Consultant

Hello  from Santa Rosa California. I am a wife, boy mom to a wonderful 11 year old, and a full time Social Services Supervisor for Child Welfare Services. So I guess you can say I’m constantly busy lol.

I’ve been in Diret Sales for about nine years with other companies that have since closed down. I discovered Jordan Essentials purely by accident when an ad came across my Facebook feed three years ago. I didn’t know anyone that sold the products so I dismissed it.  

Fast forward to last December 2023, when I came to the realization that I have a Magnesium deficiency, so I started to do some research looking for companies with products that could help me. I remembered Jordan Essentials so I googled the company as I still did not know of anyone that sells the products. I found the corporate website, checked out all the products and decided to place an order. As I was placing my order I thought, why not become a Jordie this way I can order from myself.  I signed up instead on 12/30/23, Marian immediately reached out to me via Facebook and she connected me to an amazing upline Kimber Stewart and an amazing team - Team Courageous. I got my kit and immediately fell in love with the products.

To say that JE changed my life is an understatement. I now have a team of my own and we’re loving this journey & ready to crush personal goals.

Thank you JE. 

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Andrea Scott
    Essential Consultant

  2. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  3. Angie Schmid
    3 Diamond Director

  4. Sandy Holle
    Diamond Director

  5. Stacy Hicks
    Essential Consultant

  6. Sue Kramer

  7. Rebecca Hundley

  8. Michelle Hampton
    Associate Director

  9. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  10. Patricia Morris
    Associate Director

Top in Sales

Megan Stockman

WOW! Top in sales and top in new customers... in January?! A few years ago, that would have seemed like an unattainable goal. I'm not one to shy away from big goals, but that was always a little out of reach for me. I had set my mind on earning the trip, and knew I had to have a good plan to make it happen. I also needed a LOT of belief in my ability to get on that boat! Each trip period is different, and I had to dig deep this time to stay positive and keep working toward my goal. Mindset matters! 

I normally do business through social media with vendor events and one-on-one sharing. This gives me a variety of ways to meet new people and convert them to raving fans. I branched out into doing a Fundraiser for my daughter's dance team, with a portion of my commission going back to the organization. Each family was sharing their party links all over the USA, which resulted in many new customers and lots of excitement around our products. It took off like a rocket and ran for 2 more weeks like a runaway train! One of the main reasons I am Jordie is to help others, so seeing the impact this fundraiser was having was a great boost in mindset to keep going toward my goal. While the Fundraiser was running, I continued sharing one-on-one with co-workers, current customers and new friends. I kept going with customer follow up and going live on Facebook, both of which have been a big part of my building my business. I have a very active and engaged VIP group and am building my business page to bring more new people in.

It definitely wasn't an overnight success, and I've been building my business consistently over the last 7 years. I take time regularly to learn new things about running an online business, and encourage everyone to find a mentor - inside JE or out - to learn from. There are so many opportunities and JE provides us with the best options! The most important part of that process is to implement what you learn before you move on to learn more things. Seeing your hard work pay off is definitely worth it! 

I didn't get here alone though. We have an amazing Leadership team inside the Unstoppable Tribe who cheer for each other every day. When I don't have the belief I need, they believe in me. You might be reading this and thinking you could never reach that big goal. I was once sitting right where you are, and I have to say that you absolutely can! Regardless of where you're at right now, find your people, create strong bonds and you can do anything you put your mind to!

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Megan Stockman

  2. Patty Regan
    Associate Director

  3. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  4. Sue Kramer

  5. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  6. Gloria Brice
    Diamond Director

  7. Michelle Meek

  8. Melissa Goeddertz
    Associate Director

  9. Angie Schmid
    3 Diamond Director

  10. Kimber Stewart
    3 Diamond Director


Spring Launch Replay

Dive into our latest catalog launch featuring exciting new products, including the refreshing Raspberry Lemonade body care fragrance, an updated Sea Spa body care fragrance, and the innovative Copa-Calm magnesium lotion. This video provides comprehensive training and resources on these new additions, alongside special Essential Oil training from Marian Smith, Vice President of Sales. Additionally, Alex Bogart, Director of Media & Technology, offers valuable insights on creating engaging graphics and posts for social media. Equip yourself with the knowledge to maximize the impact of these new products in your Jordan Essentials journey.


Nancy Bogart

We've kicked off the new year with a bang and started our birthday month on a high note! I can still remember the day we gathered around the kitchen table to sign those incorporation papers. The kids were running around in the living room, and we were feeling pretty darn excited. A quick swoop of the pen, and bam – it was official! Just like that, we've had thousands of consultants join the Jordan Essentials family since that chilly February day.

You know, we've had our fair share of new beginnings on this journey, but one thing has always stayed the same – our focus on people. We love serving our families, and we want to extend that love to yours too. The heart of our company is all about service, and sticking to our core values has been the secret sauce that's kept us going.

So, here's the scoop: to stay focused on your goals and build that long-term dream alongside Jordan Essentials, follow these laid-back steps. Let's keep this awesome journey going for many more years!

1. Define Clear Goals:
   - Clearly articulate your goals and dreams. Write them down in specific and measurable terms.
   - Break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This makes them less overwhelming and helps you create a step-by-step plan.

2. Prioritize and Organize:
   - Identify the most important tasks that align with your goals. Focus on high-priority activities that will have a significant impact.
   - Create a to-do list or use productivity tools to organize your tasks. This helps you stay on track and ensures you're working on what matters most.

3. Eliminate Distractions:
   - Identify and minimize distractions in your environment. This could include turning off notifications, finding a quiet workspace, or setting specific periods for focused work.
   - Consider using techniques like the Pomodoro method, where you work intensely for a set period and then take a short break. This can enhance focus and productivity.

4. Develop Consistent Habits:
   - Build routines that support your goals. Consistency is key to making progress.
   - Set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on your goals. Over time, these habits will become ingrained, making it easier to stay focused and make steady progress.

Staying focused on your goals is an ongoing process.  As the years pass by I am excited to celebrate your dreams coming true too! 

Essentially yours,


Simplifying Wellness: Sharing Copa Calm with Authenticity

Marian Smith

The introduction of Copa Calm has set a new benchmark in how we communicate the benefits of wellness products. Nancy's approach on the Spring catalog is the example and essence of sharing Copa Calm, emphasizing authenticity, transparency, and the power of personal experience.

Core Principles of Sharing

Copa Calm, like all our wellness products, supports a healthy lifestyle without claiming to treat or cure diseases. It's crucial to highlight its role in promoting well-being, focusing on benefits such as supporting a healthy immune system, soothing dry skin, and relieving minor aches without suggesting it replaces medical treatments.

The Power of Natural Ingredients

Discussing Copa Calm offers a chance to talk about the benefits of essential oils like Copabia, known for its anti-inflammatory  and stress-reducing properties. Its inclusion in Copa Calm can be a talking point for those interested in natural wellness. Sharing such information allows us to educate and intrigue without making unwarranted claims.

We all loved Copa Calm just from Nancy’s sharing during the live. Your customers will too!  She provided not just the basic facts but also the context and examples that made the message resonate. Slides from the launch are available in JEU and Boards, and we're adapting some to fit social media formats, making it easier for you to share the story of Copa Calm in visually appealing ways. 

Your Story Matters

Sharing your personal journey with Copa Calm, through stories and visuals, invites others to see its potential benefits in their lives. This approach is more compelling than any conventional advertisement. Encouraging direct dialogue through calls to action like "ask me for more information" fosters genuine interest.

It's important to include disclaimers and avoid making medical claims to protect both the yourself and the company. Focusing on wellness and support ensures the message remains responsible, trustworthy and compliant.

In sharing Copa Calm, let's prioritize authenticity, focusing on how it complements a healthy lifestyle through personal experiences and the natural benefits of its ingredients. This approach invites a deeper, more meaningful exploration of wellness, fostering a community built on trust and genuine interest.

Alex Bogart