June 2024 Jordan Times

Diamond Director Promotions

Kim Stone

Double-promoting to Director and Diamond Director in May was surreal. Having amazing friends working hard right alongside me is the best! I’m so grateful for this fresh, new opportunity to grow and learn. Sharing quality, small-batch, non-toxic magnesium solutions is icing on the cake! Here’s to many years of loving what we do and making a difference!


Teresa Villalobos

I have been a Jordie since January 2021 and a Director since July 2022. Becoming a Diamond Director TEAM May 2024, almost 2 years after becoming director has been a Journey and I have loved every minute of it. We have grown as a team and have seen many Jordies come and go and come back again. This past year was filled with hopes and challenges. The difference was we set our goals and made a plan to get where we are today. We Adjusted, Adapted, and Overcame when needed. We had amazing support from our Inspired Synergy team and of course our Leadership Team of Angie Schmid, Delana Wood, and Karen Simpson. I congratulate Antonio Villalobos Jr. for becoming a Director, which in turn made us a Diamond Team. I am also so thankful to the rest of the team especially my sister Maria Walker who has been there with me since the beginning. I am so excited about the future and continuing to be MAD- Making A Difference with Jordan Essentials.

Director Promotions

Jennifer Cromer

Hello everyone! My name is Jenn, and I’m from Columbus, Ohio. I’ve been married to my high school sweetheart, Bill, for 27 years. We have four young adults—Miranda, Nellie, Maggie, and B.J.—plus two sons-in-law, a grandson named Grayson, and another grandbaby on the way due in December.

I discovered Jordan Essentials when the company I was with unexpectedly shut down. There were several reasons why I chose to join Jordan Essentials: it’s an established company, affordable, the products are made in the USA, and they are all-natural. I didn’t try the products until after I joined, and now I can’t imagine not using them.

I love sharing the benefits of magnesium and essential oils with others and helping people grow their businesses. I can’t thank my team enough for all their hard work—they truly are a blessing to me.


Rhashell Romans


Antonio Villalobos

Truly blessed to be a part of a family of tremendous success and prosperity. My SISTER Teresa asked me to be a part of this tremendous opportunity and at first I wasn't sure if I could do what I have been able to do in the past three years. The women I have been privileged to meet and the success they have endured showed me that I CAN TOO!!! A shout out to my Orange Ribbon group for their inspiration and confidence in me. Thank you to Delana and my coach, Angie for their constant support and love. And special shout out to my sisters, Maria Walker and Teresa Villalobos.  Maria is a prime example of a go getter since teenage years and Teresa offering me the chance be a part of this great opportunity.

Associate Directors

Rosalie Kern

Star 3 Team Leader

Vanesa Brown
Megan Meyer
Debora Parks

Star 1 Consultant

April Barnett
Eileen Caspers
Teri Clemens
Beverly Dicken
Christine Horvath
Kristina Newby
Denise Pavlock
Christy Payne
Angela Sheaffer
Valerie Yoder

Top in Sponsoring

Diane Brown

Over the past six years in my business, I've learned the importance of not prejudging people and simply asking if they would be interested in joining Jordan Essentials as a consultant. I've connected with new consultants in various ways: through my job, an online vendor event, and long-time product users who eventually decided to share Jordan Essentials with their friends. By engaging with people in everyday situations—whether at work, doctor's appointments, or other routine activities—and sharing how much Jordan Essentials has positively impacted my life, I've found that others are inspired to do the same. This approach of natural conversation and genuine enthusiasm helps people realize they can achieve similar success.

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Diane Brown

  2. Christy Payne
    Star 1 Consultant

  3. Rhashell Romans

  4. Jennifer Cromer

  5. Rhonda Hernandez

  6. Sarah Sanford
    Essential Consultant

  7. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  8. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  9. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  10. Gloria Brice
    Diamond Director

Top in Sales

Sue Kramer

Wow!!!  May was just a CRAZY month!

Back in March and April, I was checking my calendar and was concerned that May was going to be a slow sales month.  

Being on the JE Cruise for 5 days with limited internet access, and only 1 vendor event planned,

It was not going to cut it for the goals that I had my heart set on!

So, I reached out to a few of my customers and booked 2 in home parties and 2 virtual parties! Let me tell you, HOME SPA PARTIES IS WHERE IT’S AT! Great sales for you and wonderful perks for your hostesses!! If you aren’t doing “in homes”, you really need to give them a try! They are so worth it!

Then there was the May JJ Box!!! The “Bug Box” is AMAZING!  

Going “live” with testimonial's of the Bug Away Spray and how great it works!  Doing the ”lives” absolutely increases sales! I also got the boxes into campground shops and boutiques and gas stations!!

I guess I’m trying to say that you can be successful too!  There are so many ways to get Jordan Essentials products to your customers!!

💥 Vendor Events

💥 In Home Spa Parties

💥 Virtual Parties

💥 Facebook Lives

💥 VIP Mystery Hostess Parties

💥 Open Houses

💥 One on Ones

This is your business! You’re in charge! You can make it happen too!

See you all at Convention!

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Sue Kramer

  2. Teresa Villalobos
    Diamond Director

  3. Judy Poland
    3 Diamond Director

  4. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  5. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  6. Gloria Brice
    Diamond Director

  7. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  8. Terry Bettels

  9. Kim Stone
    Diamond Director

  10. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    Diamond Director


Nancy Bogart

A New Year Message from Nancy 

As we wrap up the Jordanvention convention year, I'm thrilled to announce that all the glitz and glamour will take place in Springfield, MO, on July 19th and 20th! For 24 years, I have had the pleasure of presenting awards and gathering with all you amazing Jordies. It's truly a highlight of my year, and I'm still just as excited to attend!

With the new JV year now kicked off, you have a fantastic opportunity to join in the fun. Here are a few tips to make the most of it:

1. Make the Most of Every Day and Month: Time flies by quickly, so be intentional with your efforts.
2. Plug into Trainings: Our trainings are designed to help you grow, make money, and achieve your annual goals. Take advantage of these valuable resources.
3. Find Some Buddies and Attend: Whether in person or online, gather with fellow consultants and participate in fun chat groups!

We just returned from the annual incentive trip held from May 1-5, and WOW, it was incredible! I don't want you to miss out on experiences like this. We'll announce the location of the next incentive trip during the opening session on July 19th. In the past, we've revealed this at awards night, but this year, we're rolling it out early!  Grab your double sales points in June and sizzle your start to trip! 

Join the JV group after you register and dive into the excitement as we count down the 6 weeks to Jordanvention.

I absolutely love our business, the amazing people, and the celebrations! Here's to a Happy New Year and another fantastic JV year ahead!

Essentially Yours,


Entering Jordanvention Season - Being Present

Marian Smith

As we start counting down to Jordanvention, our biggest event of the year, it is important to remember that this is not only our biggest celebration, networking, and get-together of the year but also our biggest training and business-building event!

Marking your calendar for being there is important. In-person attendees may have an easier time of this. :-)

Tip for virtual attendees, mark the days off on your calendar as if you are really there in person! Let family and friends know you are “at an event” for the day. 

 Make sure you are getting your mindset ready to be fully present, whether you are in person or virtually.

Being present means being focused on the event…not on Facebook, texting, or messaging! For several reasons, being "present" during training, like Jordanvention, is essential. 

  • Firstly, trainings are designed to provide comprehensive and immersive learning experiences. Being present means fully engaging with the content, the trainers, and fellow participants. This engagement facilitates a deeper understanding of the material, as active participation often leads to better retention and comprehension.

  • There are interactive components such as discussions and hands-on activities. These elements are crucial for developing practical skills and applying knowledge in real-world scenarios. By being present, you can take full advantage of these opportunities, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback, which enhances your learning experience.

  • The networking potential. Training sessions often bring together Jordies from diverse backgrounds and with various levels of expertise. Being fully present - not scrolling Facebook or messaging people –  allows you to connect with peers, share insights, and build professional relationships that can be beneficial long after the training is over. These connections can lead to collaborative opportunities, mentorship, and a supportive professional network.

Your being present - physically (in-person or virtually) and mentally -  demonstrates professionalism and a genuine interest in personal and professional development. It shows everyone that you value the effort put into the training and are dedicated to making the most of it. Be present during Jordanvention and watch your business grow!.

Alex Bogart