September 2021 Jordan Times

Associate Director

Faith Clark Associate Director

Faith Clark
Associate Director

I became part of the JE family in June 2020, after being invited to an online party. I quickly did my research to find out all I could about this company. After reading about the naturally based products, I knew this was something I wanted to be a part of, and share with my family and friends. I get excited working toward all of the incentives that are offered and sharing my excitement with others.
I love and appreciate the support from my upline and Jordie friends on The Stars of Jordan Team. They are the ones who encourage and inspire me to keep moving toward my goals.
I would not have accomplished this promotion without my Joyful Jordie Girls! They have worked so hard and I am looking forward to seeing how far we will go together!

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Jennie Ahrens
Katherine Carter
Jessica Dixon
Sarah Emert
Barbara Wockley

Star 2 Consultant

Becky Armburger

Star 1 Consultant

Arlene Brownfield
Jennifer Carfagno
Melody Griffin
Ashley Halcombe
Kathy Keleher
JoDee McDermett
Sabrina Simmons
Cassie Smith
Theresa Upton
Tiffiany Vazquez
Robyn Wade
Jackie Wennberg


Top in Sponsoring

Karen Simpson
4 Diamond Director

I truly believe that JE is the place to be. Our company represents all that is good and so sharing that has become second nature. Like anything we love and want to share with someone else! The business is no different. I’ve learned along the way that you never know what someone is looking for it why.

And sometimes they don’t even know they are looking! “Have you ever thought about doing what I do?” is my favorite question to open a conversation.

Part of what I enjoy the most is the excitement of new Consultants when they experience their success of sharing and step outside of their comfort zone. There is really nothing quite like it. The fact that our products are healthy choices is just icing on the cake!

This is a season where people are looking for a bright spot in their day to day. We have that right here. The opportunity to fill our own cups and be the light for someone else

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  2. Judy Poland
    Diamond Director

  3. Cindy Schmidt

  4. Laryssa Botz
    Essential Consultant

  5. Cassie Smith
    Essential Consultant

  6. Melody Griffin
    Essential Consultant

  7. Katherine Carter
    Essential Consultant

  8. Jennifer Van Ostrand
    Essential Consultant

  9. Jackie Brandt
    Essential Consultant

  10. Ashlyn Osteen
    Essential Consultant

Top in Sales

Catherine Latoski 2 Diamond Director

Catherine Latoski
2 Diamond Director

The Dead Sea salts are a favorite among my customers. The benefits of using the salts help people. I want people to feel better. The benefits of all the products with JE are fantastic. I never feel like I sell. I educate people on what the products can do for them. They are always skeptical at first but it’s the trying of the product that get people hooked on the salts, lotions and the essential oils. When people feel better, then I feel like I did my job!!! It’s hard to find products without chemicals that are affordable. I tell people less is more. You don’t need to over use the products. It won’t help you any faster. Remember to keep it simple sweetie!!!

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Catherine Latoski
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Jessica Berger

  3. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  4. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  5. Teresa Villalobos

  6. Molly Cost
    Star 1 Consultant

  7. Denise Huffman

  8. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  9. Dusti Giroux

  10. Leni Nadeau
    Diamond Director


Jump Start T-Shirt Earners

Marsha Baysinger
Laryssa Botz
Aileen Casillas
Rene Caudill
Heather Claman
Kathryn Collier
Beverly Fyler
Julie Galutia
Jessica Garcia
Pamela Geresy
Catherine Glessner
Judith Gonzalez
Michelle Greeley
Sarah Hamilton
Sandy Holle
Bonnie Horton
Nicole Johnson
Lorrie Knickerbocker
Karen LeClair
Christie Manspeaker
Kathleen Marquardt
Nydia Marron
Kristina Prewett
Judy Shepard
Carrie Shetler
Sabrina Simmons
Sharon Stuthers
Rhonda Sundheimer
Tiffiany Vazquez
Maria Walker

Spa Bar Tote Earners

Lea Ann Graybill
Catherine Glessner
Rhonda Sundheimer
Julie Galutia
Jamie Shoemaker



Summer is setting over the US and Fall is in the air! 

There's so much opportunity and hope available as a Jordie.

I know there are times where change feels like a heavy burden to bear such as trying to put your kids back in school, or should you home school, go to work or work from home etc.

I just finished recording a podcast called You Are Enough this morning.  Watch for a link coming soon.

Can you say it out loud with me?  You are enough!  Just the words  “You are enough” feel good. 

We talked about the journey of Jordan Essentials and one of the things she asked me about several times was adversity. How I overcame adversity and advice for leaders going through it etc.

Adversity is going to be a part of life for all of us, but I want you to know, you are enough.

Three Steps to overcoming adversity.

  1. One of the keys I use for daily joy is to look back and count my blessings and how often God has carried me through adversity. 

  2. I think about today and how blessed I am and I look for something fun or meaningful in my day today. It might be looking at an old picture, making a phone call to a friend, riding my bike, etc.

  3. Get excited, genuinely excited, about what the future has to hold and then start to plan. 

 As we turn the corner into another season, remember you are enough.

Believe and Succeed,


Strike When the Iron is Hot!

I am a walking cliché I know. But, these clichés are often spot on. Let me share an example.

September is packed with incredible specials and “hot” products.

  • The new Kitchen Collection of the exclusive lemon scent that partners with Feeding America

  •  An amazing “Perk It Up” Joyful Jordan Box with exclusive products

  •  Seasonal must-have the Resistance Lotion Bar

  • And more!

When Nancy, our Founder, went live, which special lit up your eyes? Which one sent chills down your spine? Which one couldn’t you wait to share?

Right…we all felt the energy – the sizzle in the air! Your energy was HOT!

Did you immediately reach out and share?  Did you strike when the iron was hot?

Your friends, your family, your customers are not just buying a product…they are buying YOUR enthusiasm for the product! They tap into your excitement and your “WHY” and run with it. They buy based on your “selling it” with passion.

This ties back into what Lydia Martin told us at Jordanvention. We need to move with massive imperfect action. Our enthusiasm is action….and often it is not perfect!  We bubble over with energy and excitement for what we love. It is not scripted. It is not copy/paste text. We share from the heart. We share with emotion. We share with authenticity.

I challenge you now. Close your eyes. Think back to the moment you heard the special that made your heart sing…that you want to shout about it from the rooftops. Hold that moment and capture the energy. Then…run with it! Move with massive, imperfect action and share with passion and watch your sales soar!

Alex Bogart