December 2021 Jordan Times


Lisa Engelhardt

Until last year, I’ve never heard of this great product. I came upon it by accident through a childhood friend. We found each other over social media and she was a Jordie. Out of curiosity, a bad back and love of shopping, I purchased and eventually joined in June, 2020. My monthly pleasure is a two hour massage featuring our oil, lotions and sprays… Amazing!

My passion is mental health and I am a child/adolescent psychiatric nurse practitioner in Appleton Wisconsin. Ironically, the same day I became a Director was my sixth anniversary living/working in Wisconsin. I go to work armed with my sense of humor, love of children and Peace spray and of course the sticks for my back. When in the office, I liberally douse peace spray. I truly believe that it helps to calm but not cure, my hyperactive, impulsive Littles and coworkers. Usually my office is a calm, happy place…just like Disney World!

The pandemic has been devastating to mental health and I have been doing telehealth from home for over a year. Over the last few months I have started going to the office two days a week and seeing a few patients in person. This week, I saw a client I hadn’t seen in over a year. She ran up and gave me a big hug. It felt so good and so right! I know I know… 6 feet but hey we had our masks on!

Interestingly enough, I recently participated in a national psychiatric conference, virtually from my couch. One of the main takeaways, was the fact that magnesium is important and now being prescribed for several mental health disorders. Surprised? Not me….

So to sum it up, I am a Minnesota Viking loving, dog mom to Rupert and Mabel, beetle loving, single woman living in a Packer world… You really have no idea! SKOL…not sure if you know or care…, but the Vikings won the latest game with the Packers (very important to a Viking fan…living in Wisconsin).

PS… I want Mexico… I love Mexico….

Associate Director

Rhonda Hernandez
Associate Director

I was introduced to JE by Karen Simpson a couple years before I actually joined and wow was I bummed that I didn't jump into this business sooner! I was an inconsistent customer, but Karen never let me fall off and it was that reason I went to order some gifts for friends from her. After I spent a good amount of money I thought “um why am I not selling this?” It's a great product, a great company and even more, it got me out of quarantine social stagnation. I thought being a consultant was a great way to feed my new habit but it then became a feeling... a feeling to grow and share and even ore together my social stamina back!!! I love what we stand for, the consultant community and most of all.. the opportunity to help someone make healthier skin care choices or earn small side money or life changing income. I am so glad I was offered this opportunity!

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Eleanor Putman
Mary Knutson
Heather Claman
Jacqualine Hurley

Star 1 Consultant

Christie Manspeaker
Barbara Mages
Tammie Gilley
Kathy Mathre


Top in Sponsoring

Tammy Bechtel
4 Diamond Director

One of the best ways to sponsor is not prejudice and not assume that they are too busy or wouldn't want to do Jordan Essentials. You never know what's going on in people's lives. The best we can do is offer this amazing gift to everyone. Then it is really up to them to open the gift and the opportunities within.

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  2. Judy Poland
    Diamond Director

  3. Andrea Kenney
    Associate Director

  4. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  5. Robert Iovanne
    Essential Consultant

  6. Joni Thibodeaux
    Essential Consultant

  7. Jewel Kessler
    Essential Consultant

  8. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  9. Jessica Berger

  10. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

Top in Sales

Gloria Brice
2 Diamond Director

Approximately two years ago, I made the decision to do an average of 8 contacts a day 5 days a week (not all about JE) without concern about outcomes. I have stayed committed to that process and that system and God’s grace are responsible for the November outcomes.

In early November I had a significant, unexpected loss. Naturally, my attention was diverted elsewhere. After traveling and returning home, I was a bit challenged and it was difficult to focus. On the 15th of November, I decided to set some short term goals for 10 days. They were extremely high because I know we attract what we think and write about. I started reaching out to customers simply letting them know I was available to assist with their personal and gift-giving needs if they needed me. I was not at all concerned with the outcome, I was just committed to doing 100 contacts in 10 days (not all about JE and some repeats). Fortunately that generated a number of one on one consultations and thus additional sales. That would not have happened without God’s grace and the long-term relationship building and cultivation. The average of 8 contacts a day, 5 days a week is the single most effective tool I have ever used in my business. That approach has forged strong, trusting relationships and generated consistent sales, JJ box subscriptions and referrals. NO business approach trumps relationship building.

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Jessica Berger

  3. Cindy Gustafson
    Essential Consultant

  4. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  5. Judy Poland
    Diamond Director

  6. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  7. Tammy Bechtel
    4 Diamond Director

  8. Terry Bettels

  9. Jamie Budiac

  10. Michelle Meek


Jump Start Spa Bar Tote Earners

Kate Reitenbach
Christie Manspeaker
Jaclyn Hollenback
Tiffany Barthel
Michele Pittard

Jump Start T-Shirt Earners

Michele Pittard
Jaclyn Hollenbach
Mitzi Gamble
Tiffany Barthel
Michelle Kappesser


Tis the season to be jolly!

One of the things I never thought about when I started the company was how many amazing friends I would make.

The Jordan Nation is filled with amazing people.

We all have our favorite product and healthy skincare story however, they only come to life with the magic of people who share a common love.

We are having our best year ever and we see so many success stories I have to sit at the wonder and joy this company brings to so many.

It was this time of year our family saw a need and started JE. Each year I count my blessings and among them I count each of you.

May you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed holiday season.



Just hear those sleigh bells jingling - Ring-ting-tingling too! 

'Tis the season to be jolly and to be sharing the gift of healthy skincare and a healthy life. It is also the season to reach a little bit farther to achieving monthly goals and yearly goals. Keep in mind that December has 31 Days…not just 15. Work it until the very end!

Grab the Consultant Incentive Tic Tac Toe and make your holiday plan to go for a Cover All! Not only will the actions build sales and momentum, you will earn bonus Trip Points, 2022 Catalogs and the opportunity to save 50% on the new Spring Pre-Sell Collection.

Here are Three Steps to a Successful Holiday Wrap Up -

  1. PLAN – Yes, sit down with the Wrap Up sheet and make a plan.  Reach out to your Upline Success Coach for any squares that are extra-challenging to you!

  2. SCHEDULE the actions – Jot the dates down on the squares when you will do them. Think about actions and products that can give you a  theme around postings and reach outs. Physically schedule posts in Facebook and times on your calendar to complete your actions.

  3. EXECUTE – Just do it! Stretch your comfort zone to do the extra-challenging ones first. Maybe going LIVE is new to you…that is ok! Just go for it! Talk with your upline for tips and watch one of their lives for ideas.

As you move through your plan, you will see your actions paying off in engagement, momentum and sales. These will be a great gift you give yourself – Success!

I am excited to see each of you stretch and grow this month and into the new year. I am wishing you and yours a joyous and prosperous holiday and new year.

Alex Bogart