February 2022 Jordan Times

Director Promotions

Cindy Monroe

Associate Director

I joined Jordan Essentials one year ago this February 15th. I joined after using the products for a few months. I joined with the intention of using this as a retirement job. I will be retiring January, 2023. I’m very excited. I love Jordan Essentials and sharing with people.


Maria Walker
Associate Director

I can’t believe a year has passed since joining Jordan Essentials. My sister, Teresa Villalobos, joined after another direct sales company she was a part of closed.

It’s funny how things happen but hearing about the company from my sister - the quality of JE products without additives, made in the USA, Christian values and run by a woman I knew this was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. Two weeks after she joined I followed! Being a part of her team provides me with the motivation I need to keep going and hence my promotion to Associate Director.

I have been a part of direct sales almost 40 years but this is the only company where you feel like you’re a part of a family as everyone is so kind and helpful every step of the way. The business opportunity is so attainable and I hope to continue to share this opportunity with more people each and every day. Thank you Nancy for sharing the JE Opportunity with us - God bless you!


Karen Hartlaub
Associate Director

Jordan Essentials has been a blessing to me this past year. I joined in February of 2021 because I needed new deodorant. It’s crazy to think that’s how this got started! I have Multiple Sclerosis and in order to continue to live my best and healthiest life, I’ve had to put everything I do under the microscope. I’ve changed a lot in order to manage my MS, detoxifying my life from the inside out. In addition to using clean products, I eat an extremely detoxifying diet that can lead to extreme stink. My old natural deodorant wasn’t cutting it and my search for something new led me here. A company with a trustworthy no-no list and products that really work was a perfect fit.

Loving JE led to sharing JE. I hosted to earn rewards, and grabbed a kit (1/2 off!) to get the products with zero intention of building a business. Seeing my party success and that of others in our community of consultants is what inspired to me to give it a try. I asked around and found two friends who hosted parties for me. Both of them were close to $1000! I was hooked! Month after month, my business grew.

My story could end there, as a consultant sharing product, but it doesn’t. I love sharing about the Jordan Essentials opportunity. I’ve brought friends and family along the same journey of discovery I walked! My team is an inspiration and a place of personal connection that embodies the values of Jordan Essentials. We have fun, we work through struggles, we celebrate victories, always together and stronger together. If it weren't for God's guidance I would not be celebrating a promotion to Associate Director today. As in all things, I surrender my will to His. Each day, each month, through discouragement and success, He encourages me to keep sharing. He says, "Yes!"

My favorite part of my business is that I get to make a difference in others lives, not just my own. I get to help both with health and finances as I share our products and opportunity. I have met and been challenged by many amazing people over the last year. I am so thankful for my customers and my team, this company but most of all God. I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store!

Blessings - Karen Hartlaub


Star Promotions

Star 1 Consultant

Ida Giglio
Kristina Leduc
Cyndi Sledd


Top in Sponsoring

Judy Poland
2 Diamond Director

Heeey JE! Wow!
My Name is Judy Poland, I’m a 2 Diamond Director Here at Jordan Essentials. I’m super humbled by the number of new friends that jumped on my team this past month. Every day I’m trying to live out my WHY and enlarge my influence to get the word out about our amazing products. I love linking arms with other Jordies and building our team together! Together we are stronger!
If somebody is thirsty, you would give them water.. and you would not think anything about it. If somebody is hurting you can hand them a solution. Then they can do the same.. and so on. Many blessings in your JE journey! Let’s make JE a household name together!

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Judy Poland
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Jessica Berger

  3. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  4. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  5. Brenda Morrison Bowser
    Diamond Director

  6. Kathryn Collier
    Star 3 Team Leader

  7. Rhonda Hernandez
    Associate Director

  8. Jamie Budiac

  9. Chelsea Wallner

  10. Maria Walker
    Associate Director

Top in Sales

Gloria Brice
2 Diamond Director

Once again I attribute high sales to caring enough to share, finding the need and meeting the need, excellent customer service and most importantly, a focused, consistent system. I am now on my third year of doing an average of eight contacts a day, five days a week. These contacts are not all about JE and sometimes they are repeats; however, all support building and cultivating strong relationships and building trust. What is being experienced now is the compound effect of doing these contacts week after week, month after month and year after year (even when I do not feel like it:). It’s not an exciting approach; however, it is highly effective and the best system I know for generating repeat business, referrals and new customer acquisition. We reap what we sow and when we take care of people (business or otherwise), the rest takes care of itself

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Gloria Brice
    2 Diamond Director

  2. Jessica Berger

  3. Cheri Brunch
    Star 2 Consultant

  4. Mary Koren
    Star 3 Team Leader

  5. Dori Mekelburg
    Diamond Director

  6. Jamie Budiac

  7. Chelsea Wallner

  8. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  9. Kara Larson
    2 Diamond Director

  10. Judy Poland
    2 Diamond Director


Jump Start Spa Bar Tote Earners

Stephanie Barnes
Kelly Garrett
Kathy Gash
Dori Kemery
Cynthia Moran
Missy Roberson
Theresa Saunders
Monique Wilson

Jump Start T-Shirt Earners

Lori Eggert
Kelly Garrett
Jodie Huff
Jennifer Boylston
Brenda Kannenberg
Jennifer Kuenzi
Haley Maupin
Donald Rice
Melissa Roth
Roxanne Wagner
Sarah Kretman
Theresa Saunders
Amanda Tiernan


Spring Leadership Summit 2022

Happy 22 to all of us.

Here are 22 things I have learned in 22 years. Just kidding, there are so many more!

The number one thing I know is that if you believe you will find a way. I have believed in how we do business since day one. I love how a family is supported with income each time one of our beloved products is shared and sold.

There is nothing like direct sales to make a difference and there is no one like Jordan Essentials.

February 8 might be our birthday, but that amazing opportunity lives on because of YOU

Let's keep sharing the love and celebrate all year long.

Alex Bogart