June 2021 Jordan Times


Kelly Hudson Director

Kelly Hudson

I joined the Jordan Essentials family with a love for the mission and the natural products offered! I knew I believed in the products after using them and seeing results in many fashions! It wasn’t long till I learned that Jordan Essentials isn’t just a company or a product... it’s a sisterhood, a family, a lifesaver!! Once you have a passion for a product and a purpose it’s easy to grow! Share, tell about the changes it has made in your life and in your mental health! Love the product and let the product love you! Believe, set goals and reach them! Plain and simple! Jordan Essentials is the cornerstone of a healthy and upbeat life!


Associate Director

Sara Maune Associate Director

Sara Maune
Associate Director

I am really proud of myself for this promotion. I knew that with the website/system switch that I needed to change my mindset and bring new team members aboard because the changes would lead to some team members rolling up into customers. And that’s ok. I want people to join JE knowing it takes work to achieve success- no matter what that level of success is for each person.

I changed my thinking of Jordan Essentials as an opportunity for everyone. This is, obviously, something we all already know BUT instead of sales and bookings in the forefront of my mind, I tweaked it to think of the joining opportunity FIRST! I “surrounded” myself with successful, encouraging people (coaching calls, my upline, other upper level leaders on FB). I put all the “success vibes” into the universe and manifested my version of success. [This might sound hokey to some but I believe the universe feeds off what we put out] This shift in my mindset made me ask people to join and bring up the joining opportunity MORE and a little differently than I had in the past.

I had 4 new team members join in April and early May and I helped them launch their businesses in May, in addition to my own parties—I was busy. It was a lot of work. I put my all into it with team success in mind and it paid off!

I’m proud of my promotion but I’m also proud of how hard my team worked too. I’m looking forward to more growth and success.

Star Promotions

Star 3 Team Leader

Allison Cook

Star 2 Consultant

Manuela Gohn

Star 1 Consultant

Dawn Cox

Kristen King

Eileen Chapuis

Mi-na Davis

Katie Gebhardt

Lisa Perry

Barbara Sanchez

Renee Brown


Top in Sponsoring

Brenda Morrison Bowser
Diamond Director

Life is a journey... It is not how it ends that matters, but the journey it takes to get there. All the while experiencing the
many new friends and amazing fun adventures. The journey of life is never complete without a lot of friends to share and create special memories with. So, I love to share Jordan Essentials products and of course our amazing opportunity we offer.

It can help some change their day, week , month, year or LIFE!!!!

Sharing the opportunity is caring, because we all have different paths in life, but we support each other's balance , all while learning and supporting each other.

Our love of Jordan Essentials is like branches of a tree. All with different leaves, buds and flowers.

We all join and grow in different directions, but our roots, is the balance and strength-together.

So to me, I love to be able to share JE to help someone BLOOM .....

We are the sunshine of a great company, with healthy products.....so share the seeds! Plant your new garden, and watch it BLOOM.....

And don't forget to dance in the rain!!!

Top 10 in Sponsoring

[Ties are broken by total PV]

  1. Brenda Morrison Bowser
    Diamond Director

  2. Kelly Hudson

  3. Karen Simpson
    4 Diamond Director

  4. Rhonda Hernandez
    Essential Consultant

  5. Jessica Berger

  6. Margaret Lohry
    Star 1 Consultant

  7. Jamie Jubin

  8. Delana Wood
    3 Diamond Director

  9. Chelsea Wallner
    Star 1 Consultant

  10. Melissa Herrera
    Star 3 Team Leader

Top in Sales

Kristopher Latoski Director

Kristopher Latoski

I achieved to getting top sales by working hard to get the name of Jordan Essentials out there to everyone. I was already helping my mom with orders so it was actually easy for me to start. I knew going to college I would need a job. This way I can study and do JE around my schedule. I follow up with my customers and make sure they are happy. That for me is key. The nice thing about JE is that I can do it at whatever time. I can send text messages at 10pm to my customers. It makes juggle work and school with personal live. Much better than working in a store.
Anyone can do it, you just need to work hard.

Top 10 in Sales

  1. Kristopher Latoski

  2. Jessica Berger

  3. Terri Bechtel-Storti
    2 Diamond Director

  4. Heather Gill
    Associate Director

  5. Kara Larson
    3 Diamond Director

  6. Gloria Brice
    3 Diamond Director

  7. Eleanor Putman
    Essential Consultant

  8. Jamie Budiac

  9. Kelly Hudson
    Associate Director

  10. Shelley Mehne
    Essential Consultant


Silver Key Earner

(Top level achievement for new consultants)

Kelly Hudson

Jump Start T-Shirt Earners

Angel Shankle
Chris Beck
Kerry Stricker
Kim Helton
Krystle Scott
Lorelei Kidd
Mary Hemphill-Phillips
Neta Ford
Renee Coker
Stefanie Wycoff



Welcome to summer.
May was another record-breaking sales month! Do I sound like a broken record? It's OK, I like this record.

We broke records for overall sales and a record number of bug boxes sold in one month!

Sometimes people ask me why I don't sell the bug box or the bug away all year round. Well, frankly it's Focus supply and demand and strategy.

I think one of the advantages of being a company during a changing season in our country is our experience. and I know focus can be your best friend.

What we focus on is where we go. Where we put our focus is also just as important. We all have busy lives and focusing your attention a little bit daily
on your business pays off big time. We focused on the bug box we get people interested, the sales came flooding in for you and your team and we kick the summer off with an exclusively limited addition box.

Some months we might focus a little bit more on bringing in new team
members in June is that month. We can't lose sight of the fact that they are still so many people in need of what we have here at the Jordan nation through the front door of our enrollment kit. When they join Jordan Essentials, they set up their own business their own way, and yes they get to focus on what they want.

Bringing a new team member in June allows them to attend Jordanvention
in July either in person or virtually. Bring a team member in June people tend to have that summer vibe need a little extra cash and so their business can be a blessing. Always give every product offering, every product sale, every party, a little focus on sharing about joining the Jordan Nation.

You never know whose life needs our products, friends, a little extra money, a lot of extra money, and all that we had to offer.

Consider this, somebody shared with you and made an impact on your life. Let’s be the person who shares with someone today!

With love and gratitude,


The Triple Dip! And then some!!!

June is hot and sizzling with incentives.

I love the month of June. It has my favorite holiday – Flag Day and is my birthday month!  It is also a month of newness and shift. We are shifting into summer. It is a new season for our friends and for our business too.

We have summer schedules, priorities and needs. This is the season to build and rebuild your business with healthy products that people need for summer. This month, as you share, we have some amazing incentives for you!

These are the triple-dip of June:

·        With $500 PV you earn the fun summer JE decals!

·        Reach the $500 PV by the 15th and earn the details AND August's Joyful Jordan Box

·        Keep on sharing and with $1000 PV in June, earn the exclusive tumbler AND give yourself the 5% Volume Bonus

How to reach and achieve you ask?

SHARE....and CARE!

Use the "Get Out There" sheet from April and do as many of the actions there that you can. Mix them up for summer fun!

·       Join a Megaparty all about summer products

·       Check out vendor events. Many areas are opening up to outdoor events.

·       Vendor Blenders online. These are going strong too!

·       In-home Spa Gatherings – with family and friends! Make it a backyard bar-b-que

·       Invite friends and family to the Community Class with Nancy – It is her Spa-B-Que with summer crafts, tips and a class special

Mix and match sharing with conversations and samples and you can hit the trifecta of June incentives!

Alex Bogart